=!= The Big RIP List =!=

What about NIASKA? He retired this summer.

Just because 17th was a clan doesn’t mean it was a great clan. Never heard of it before here.

You forgot the Jagex forums.

Okay, what would make it not one? If you have a good reason then I will remove it along with anything else on the list someone doesn’t think deserves any honor.


There was also INV, not sure if disbanded or mergered

Yeah, I’m not sure either.

Yeah, Killer Cookie was a pretty cool guy who retired.

Almost no one besides you has ever heard of the 17th. Sirs was a disaster, which I know of personally since I helped with its creation. Most of the community hated INV.

LoneWolf is an active aloha guard who’s forum name is Anonymous, check the staff list.

Stormwind was definitely a great clan.

The Ops still has a few active people who you can see on the BnS mumble, but I’m not sure if that counts as alive or not…

If you want to have a good look at dead ace of spaders who contributed to this community, again take a look at the aloha staff list. Just put down some of the admins and other staff members who’ve been inactive for some months.

Yes, Torch. I am repeating what many others have said before, I am Lone_Wolf. I don’t usually play AoS anymore. I don’t have the time.

I miss KomradeBoat.

Also, Goon Haven was the greatest server.

INV kinda disappeared after LinStar retired and all that crazy INV clan drama that sparked hate all over BnS and aloha.pk

I removed lone_wolf. Anything past that I’m not sure what you want me to add, what you want me to take away, and what is just a mention of an idea. If you want Stormwind added to the clans for instance I need to know what their tag was in the proper format… Thanks.

Didn’t they have something like @SW?

Yeah, “Chuck Norris@Sw” for example.

shams (rip) was uk, kommies server was us, destiny servers ban anyone that gets more than a 5 ks

Thanks to paratrooper on BNS I added a large amount of new content. Feel free analyze it and add new additions in the proper format. Thanks. :wink:

Add the AOS.FORT servers, I really wish they were still around :frowning:

What’s it look like in format though?

  • AOS.FORT [?]

Like this? I’m not aware of those servers.

Also, Bcoolface has been added.

Spade wars server, one of the best gamemodes

Something like Chuck’s Spade Wars?

I give up…

If it’s in proper format I will add. If not I will just simply ignore. :frowning: