Arena top 10 maps → Arena top maps
I will talk about my thoughts on my former favourite server in AoS.
It was a few months ago when players were coming in masses to join the Aloha arena top 10 maps server. The server wasn’t lacking in any aspect of a good arena gameplay. And as far as I know it was the second most popular server after Aloha pinpoint/hallway.
I spent there many hours of gameplay and even if there was “only” 10 maps, the maps were so elaborate that even a repeated play there was still entertaining. The last month of existence of this server may looked like that this server is loosing players, it would’ve been most probably temporary state, but the authors of this server thought that it will need a reconstruction, but the way it was reconstructed, it brought more quantity more than the quality.
Lots of maps there weren’t suitable for arena anymore, lots of former faithful players left or were surprised by this rearrangement, one example of what I remember:
Some players still thought that this is the old arena top 10 maps server, they didn't see any difference. There were different maps beside the original maps and that mix of really nice maps and a few really bad maps didn't help to get more popularity. My opinion is, that the server should be revived to it's original condition. [details=Click for details][b]Maps on former server:[/b] Name --------- Score (personal opinion): -avseafort - 9.5/10 -prisonbreak - 9/10 -nuketown - 8/10 -avsmallfortress - 7/10 -facingworldsarena - 5/10 -minideckarena - 7/10 -avstorage - 6/10 -indiaarena - 8/10 -generator2 - 10/10 -planeassault - 8.5/10Then where are the old maps?Where is arena top 10 mapsThis is arena top maps
That’s all the top 10.[/details]