
There’s this game that recently came out called “Superflight.” It is on sale 10% off right now on Steam and it’s very fun. The object of the game is to get the highest score possible by flying close to obstacles.
I recently tried it out and it’s very relaxing and it’s good for passing time. I recommend it and it’s worth the 3 dollars.


Introduction to the game:

Their website is here:
Steam page: Superflight on Steam



what an intriguing, unique concept… thanks for sharing, i just bought it :slight_smile:

i was just looking at this game a couple days ago! Looks super fun for sure :slight_smile:

It looks so relaxing…Thanks!

I bought it. hopefully i’ll have time to play it when i’m not writing my term papers

I’m glad you guys enjoy the game as much as I do.
Feel free to post your high scores below! Mine is 5543.