Super Ideas!

Hello, after a long time of inactivity in this part of the
Forum, I came to bring some ideas that I started to reflect
With care to elaborate them well, the ideas are:

1. / togglevotekick: I know that you can do some script that allows
Remove the right to votekick from an inflatable person
Constantly rules with this command.

2. / togglevotemap: In an earlier idea, I mentioned an option that
Allow any player to initiate a vote for a change
Of map, but some told me that there could be abuse, so
This command (which can be created) facilitates the
Players that if they want to use this type of commands.

3. / unstick: this command allows the player to unlock, thus
Simple, but for there to be no abuse, it is possible the option
You are not stuck, the command will not allow you to use it.

4. Watchers: above the trusteds, there could be some sort of
Vigilantes, almost like the guards, but this would only have commands
To mute, to temporarily prohibit short, and commands like this …
Why this idea? Sometimes many players complain that X
Person breaks the rules and there is no staff member who
Can cope with it, and these can come more than
the guards.

5. Chess: because of the structure of the map on the screen
Complete, I think it is possible to create a game mode that results
Of much interest for some players, “Chess”, but how
Is this going to be possible? I have thought that each player will play
Chance a token, in this case, you can be King with a certain percentage
Of probability, and move in turns.

6. Kill the leader: This could be another game mode I’ve seen
In other games, which consists of that: the one that makes the most amount
Of points in the previous round or the first to enter the server,
Will be the leader, who will have 50,000hp, seems exaggerated, but with the
SMG weapons will be easy. There will be 2 teams, all will have a leader of which
The players will relive if they die, ie if you die, you appear where
Is the leader, as in the Squads, the one who assassinates the leader wins
10 points.

Thank you for reading! And forgive me for the lousy English.


Hi Zim350,

So /togglevotekick and /unstick already exist for guards to use. Should players be able to use unstick? I’d say no, because it’s not like there’s no way for them to be unstuck; they can just type /kill. Yes it costs them a kill, but hey you can’t have everything. And I don’t think checking if the player is stuck or not is technically possible, and even if it is, it’s unnecessary because respawning does the job for a player.

Regarding another class of players above trusteds, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’d say the only real significant offenses in the game are hacking and griefing. Stopping these is exactly what guards are for. Spamming, abusing votekick, etc. are relatively rare and minor. If there were to be a class under Guards, all they’d be able to do is mute and toggle votekick. Very minor and not worth the effort. Imo the current class system is just perfect.

Chess is an interesting idea, I wonder if it will be technically possible?


Of course it’s exaggerated because it only takes you a few more shots to kill the VIP in CS Assassination. It would be better to just have 200-300 health or just have the standard and let the team cover you, with no use of grenades. Or make the leader act like the commander in PR and put him in a room. Or let the leader take less damage to weapons.

hello zim thanks for sharing your great ideas i will give my honset opinion, hopefully you do not take offense of this

1. / togglevotekick: I know that you can do some script that allows
Remove the right to votekick from an inflatable person
Constantly rules with this command.

this is good idea but i have notice that it is already use, like 3lb01k have say

2. / togglevotemap: In an earlier idea, I mentioned an option that
Allow any player to initiate a vote for a change
Of map, but some told me that there could be abuse, so
This command (which can be created) facilitates the
Players that if they want to use this type of commands.

this is good idea but in realistically i see that it can have problems, like you say it can be abused and things like this, votekick feature doesnt work at all like many have notice so i do not know if vote map would work any better but i guess it would have to be tried to find out

3. / unstick: this command allows the player to unlock, thus
Simple, but for there to be no abuse, it is possible the option
You are not stuck, the command will not allow you to use it.

i do not understand what this means, maybe you can explain this to me becauese i do not understand

  1. Watchers: above the trusteds, there could be some sort of
    Vigilantes, almost like the guards, but this would only have commands
    To mute, to temporarily prohibit short, and commands like this …
    Why this idea? Sometimes many players complain that X
    Person breaks the rules and there is no staff member who
    Can cope with it, and these can come more than
    the guards.

maybe this is good idea but i feel it is very specific for this watchers, i dont see problem with the system we have now, adding more ranks will make more confusing

5. Chess: because of the structure of the map on the screen
Complete, I think it is possible to create a game mode that results
Of much interest for some players, “Chess”, but how
Is this going to be possible? I have thought that each player will play
Chance a token, in this case, you can be King with a certain percentage
Of probability, and move in turns.

this is strange idea, maybe it could be fun but i see there are many fun servers of aloha, the problem is not that there arent enough server but there areent enough players to play on these servesrs, even if you add cool idea everyone will stay play on the babel

6. Kill the leader: This could be another game mode I’ve seen
In other games, which consists of that: the one that makes the most amount
Of points in the previous round or the first to enter the server,
Will be the leader, who will have 50,000hp, seems exaggerated, but with the
SMG weapons will be easy. There will be 2 teams, all will have a leader of which
The players will relive if they die, ie if you die, you appear where
Is the leader, as in the Squads, the one who assassinates the leader wins
10 points.

like i have say above, we do not need more servers to add because there arent the players to play on them, though this seems like better idea than chess but still i do not think that if it is added it will have players on it


It means that if you are stuck, with this command is cleared, I know that the guards and admins already have it, but it would be great to have this command to unlock.
Let’s say that people looking to take care of their ratio get stuck between blocks and can not get out, just type / unstick and leave the place where they were stuck.

Sure, now I can see why admins can use it xd

Checking if you are stuck is very easy but won’t help, since you can make yourself stuck just by drag building into yourself.

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