[suggestion] - Pinpoint: autokick griefers!

I don’t think getting a few kills will do anything. A few players will take less than a few minutes to accomplish. Heck, they can just get aimbot to do it for them and quickly get into griefing. I don’t like the idea. I would support the idea of maybe a votekick that requires less players to say yes for a suspecting player that broke x number of friendly blocks in the past x minutes. Maybe give this ability to trusted players. The fact that the majority of the players have to kill a certain amount to build/destroy because of griefers will not get my support.

I’ve been thinking of ways to refine the system a bit and heres what I came up with.
In order to destroy blocks you need 5 kills. If you are votekicked for greifing and your /gc is greater than 250 and it reaches a certain number of /yes it will toggle you for 5 mins and alerts us. Or if you have a forum accounct you can loging and bypass the kill requirement. A command for admins can be added that puts a count of +1 to them when they are caught greifing (fourm logins only) and if the hit say 7 they get a harsher punishment plua it will alert us when their last logged in from ip appears or they login so we can keep track of the more regular greifers. The reason for if its plus 250 blocks is because its meant to catch the worst of the worst it won’t affect builders because what they destroy is generally small 50 or so blocks while cleaners average 100. Anything beyond 300 is almost 96% of the time a greifer. Ill get actual percentages in the next few days of people but this is from what I’ve seen. I’m not a pp alcoholic like reiki :slight_smile: . We could also give some of the pp regulars who we trust a timed /tb with a cooldown period

I like this idea better. Logging in with a forum account can lift the kill requirement and allow unlimited or a bigger block destruction. Maybe we can even set up something to flag users breaking x friendly blocks in 2 minutes to even help get rid of griefers with forum accounts.

I think not being able to build off the bat is ridiculous.

you know, i have to agree. it doesn’t adhere to true AoS.

We’re talking about block removal, building isn’t a problem its the greaifers.

My first two posts on here said that.