[SUGGESTION] Babel: 60 second auto-kill timer when grabbing Intel

I’m sure many of you have played some pretty intense and competitive games on Babel, sometimes to the point where every minute (and possibly every second) can make the difference between winning or losing… and/or having your tower collapse into nothing and forcing your team’s builders to start from square one :wink:

I often find that new players sometimes unintentionally grab intel just because it’s nice, pretty, and cool-looking, and begin to do everything that doesn’t involve bringing it back to base (most of the time it’s bringing intel to the enemy’s side of the platform in high hopes of getting millions of spawnkills… only to get their head popped as soon as they peek over the ledge and intel dropped even further away-- yeah you know what I’m talking about). Then there’s the occasional not-so-nice players who switch teams to grab intel on purpose just to burn time. All of which results in wasted tower up-time for those who build, and giving the opposing team more time to destroy your team’s tower and to work on their own.

In that regard, I suggest having a feature that starts a countdown of 60 seconds once a player comes into contact with intel, and when the countdown time expires: it automatically kills said player while returning it to center position. I’m not sure if it’s already implemented (I think I’ve seen it kill someone once?), but if so, reduce that time to 60 seconds.

You might be thinking: ‘it doesn’t sound like very much time to work with’, but out of personal experience, it shouldn’t take more than 30 seconds to run across the platform, get down the tower, run to base and capture.

Any thoughts?

A 60 second timer is to little you would be suprised how long it takes to get down the stairs while getting shot at. Or get down incomplete stairs I was thinking of making a poll of times instead of you being killed when the time runs out you drop it and it returnes to the heavens. 5 or so minuties should be a minimum.

I agree 1 minute is DEFINITELY NOT ENOUGH 5 minutes should be enough and this should make the game really intense. Although if 5 minutes could be too much, we could experiment with 2.5 or 3 minutes. Maybe make it even more intense. If this is just for intel hogs then 5 min should be fine.
Now broadcasting this will be easy but spamming the chat is not what we want. Maybe a boardcast every 30 seconds? Or a private message to the person holding it. Well those are my ideas.

Or whenever someone grabs the intel.


The server is already running auto-kill for people who hold intel past five minutes.

It’s obviously frustrating when someone holds intel to troll, but it’s also frustrating when people won’t rebuild, won’t give cover fire, or even try to kill enemies near your towers.

I could see maybe lowering it to 3 minutes, but I think 5 is doing all right now. I’d really love a /drop so when you get stuck you don’t have to wait to die.

I agree, hate accidentally picking up the intel :stuck_out_tongue:
Also, to put in perspective, if a troll grabbed the intel and held it once per intel cap, that would be 50 mins of holding. (Nobody wants to be stuck on a single map for that long because of a troll.)
Another idea would be to create a /votedrop command. Maybe require less votes then a vk.

/votedrop might be abused like /votekick is sometimes today, especially if there are less votes needed. (voluntary /drop is good though)

I like the idea, just 1 minute isn’t enough.

I Agree it could be abused, but every command that effects others is always abused.
Also some unforeseen events that could occur /votedrop should only be used by the intel carriers team.
As for /drop, anyone see the abuse of starting a rave between two people? Two people go sit somewhere with the intel and repeat the /drop command as one player drops the other picks up rinse and repeat. Strobe + “Player has picked up the intel” “Player has dropped the intel” Repeat Repeat
Setting a cool-down might help this issue a bit, or make the command usable once per life.

There has been /drop and /nointel on pinpoint which I added a couple months ago. I’ll see to adding it on babel too.

One I played on babel with a guy called Prostate (he was also griefing make sure to ban him ty). He and his friend were holding the intel for a really really long time. When one guy died the other one would pick up the intel. I’m not a programmer and I don’t know what can be done, but this might be a solution to intel holding if you can make it happen: When the intel is dropped or captured everyone on the ˝cloud˝ dies. (Or they are teleported to the ground because noobs could rage quit and we don’t want that to happen, do we?) This could kinda solve the problem of too much annoying smg spam from the ˝cloud˝ and would help with people who are trying to hold the intel. (Usually the guys who change teams just because they want to sabotage the other team.)

Next time hop on the irc and slap a few admins starting with a + then heading to an @ if they don’t respond and inform us next time.

Edit: I’ve set his name to beep whenever it pops up in an alert or vk

Thanks :,)

I thought it felt more like 10 minutes tbh but in game you lose track of time.

*Yes people do not return the intel back right away(spawnkill from tower, hold/hide the intel, etc etc).
*If a player was ever purposely holding the intel with out returning to give the other team an advantage, that is definitely not all right.(call an admin using /admin or go to irc as stated above)
*Ignorantly trying to shoot people from platform while holding it is not really a punishable offense imo.

*Other scenario however is player gets to platform and grabs intel then their tower gets destroyed. They are stuck up there until the tower is rebuilt close enough to jump down.
Sometimes this can take a few minutes and other times it never materializes. I don’t see a problem with them choosing to hold in this particular circumstance given they would return it upon finding a safe enough route to do so.

Conclusion for me is that if it is already set to FIVE minutes, and not Ten as I had previously assumed, then I don’t mind not making a change. At the very most i would think shaving a minute or minute 30 off would be the most you would want to do. A ticking time bomb once you grab the intel, although interesting, is not whats actually being requested here…

reduced auto kill intel carrier timer from 5 minutes to 2.5 minutes, effective after next server restart.

the reason for this change is to encourage more focus on the goal of the game mode.


I havent the problem on tower of babel :-\