DISCLAIMER: I don’t know how to do any of this.
Several well-known (or not-so) maps in rotation, each turned all black with black fog and a black sky where applicable. Maps like Hallway, Pinpoint2, that one with the mountain and the river, Lard. Hell, even AoS Museum. All black. No hints. If you guess the map, you’re that much better off than those who don’t.
Instead of “map is XXXX by YYYY,” it could say “map blacked by ZZZZ.”
Teams could be black and purple. OR if Free-for-All, both black .
Yes it would make it difficult to find the intel(s), tents, teammates and enemies. That’s why any time limits would be super stretched or removed. Especially in Arena.
Seems like a lot of work for a joke, but maybe just the Arena Top 10 server for 4/1/2015?
Thoughts? Concerns?
I would like to play this.
April 27, 2014, 12:02am
(you can’t see the map still)
April 27, 2014, 12:35am
Wow, that’s bizarre, but anyway, as the map is played, things get revealed. xD
I was wondering that a flat map black map with a lot of holes (80% holes) would be fun, and if you fell in the hole, you would die. So people would also have to build their own walkways