I know how to start one up and all, but how do I make it like others see it and how do I add admin commands etc?
In the config file there should be something similar to: location of the file depends on the OS iirc. also default setting are different then most running servers (ie commands will be somewhat different iirc)
Master : true or false
Admin {passwords}
Mod {passswords}
Guard {passwords}
also you may need to portfoward the port your server is using
Um I don’t know how to port foreward and it shows the master thing. Also I didn’t he pysnip yet. I can just ask BR on skype but thanks for helping! I’m going to try what you said too! Also, the logins thing I don’t know how to change. I go in - to make the server. I wrote - because I’m on mobile and I forgot where I go to do it. I’ll check when I go on pc
Found out. Its Server.exe
Here’s what I see.
The servers port is: 32887 I can join the server by going to the BnS page and clicking LocalHostConnect and entering 32887 then joining. But then it’s not on the serverlist, and there are NO commands in it.
Here’s how it is in game.
That server will never connect to bns, use pysnip.
Download from? Also I need screenshotted steps because I don’t understand stuff that well
its a private server btw
I downloaded modloader and it worked fine!
Here is the download for pysnip: https://bitbucket.org/NateShoffner/pysnip/downloads
Not sure about the issue with spadille since I dont use it.
Also if its a private server you probably shouldn’t want to enable master (ie broadcast on the master list) and just send the aos link to your friends.
Using pysnip mostly everything you need is in the config file.
Never mind the Mod Loader works perfect now. Also Shywolf can you be more specific and add screenshots too? Please I’m really dumb at this stuff
Also, the second one of this is what you want me to download, correct?
Since my pc is not on atm here is a screen should of the pysnip .75 version. I unzipped the file to my mac desktop and took a screen shot of the files:
Also here is the config file:
“name” : “PySnip server”,
“motd” : [
“Welcome to %(server_name)s”,
“Map: %(map_name)s by %(map_author)s”,
“Game mode: %(game_mode)s”,
“Server powered by PySnip and BuildAndShoot.com”
“help” : [
“Server name: %(server_name)s”,
“Map: %(map_name)s by %(map_author)s”,
“Game mode: %(game_mode)s”,
“/STREAK Shows how many kills in a row you got without dying”,
“/INTEL Tells you who’s got the enemy intel”,
“/VOTEKICK Start a vote to temporarily ban a disruptive player”,
“/TIME Remaining time until forced map reset”
“tips” : [
“You are playing %(game_mode)s on %(server_name)s”,
“Type /help for info & commands”
“tip_frequency” : 5,
“rules” : [
“Cheating isn’t welcome. Griefing is frowned upon. Have fun!”
“master” : true,
“max_players” : 32,
“max_connections_per_ip” : 3,
“port” : 32887,
“network_interface” : “”,
"game_mode" : "ctf",
"cap_limit" : 10,
"default_time_limit" : 120,
"advance_on_win" : true,
"maps" : ["classicgen", "random"],
"random_rotation" : false,
"respawn_time" : 16,
"respawn_waves" : true,
"friendly_fire" : "on_grief",
"grief_friendly_fire_time" : 5,
"spade_teamkills_on_grief" : false,
"balanced_teams" : 2,
"teamswitch_interval" : 0,
"speedhack_detect" : false,
"votekick_percentage" : 35,
"votekick_ban_duration" : 30,
"votekick_public_votes" : true,
"votemap_public_votes" : true,
"votemap_extension_time" : 15,
"votemap_player_driven" : false,
"votemap_autoschedule" : false,
"votemap_time" : 120,
"votemap_percentage" : 80,
"melee_damage" : 80,
"fall_damage" : true,
"user_blocks_only" : false,
"set_god_build" : false,
"server_prefix" : "",
"time_announcements" : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180,
240, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000],
"login_retries" : 3,
"default_ban_duration" : 1440,
"logfile" : "./logs/log.txt",
"rotate_daily" : true,
"debug_log" : false,
"profile" : false,
"team1" : {
"name" : "Blue",
"color" : [0, 0, 255]
"team2" : {
"name" : "Green",
"color" : [0, 255, 0]
“passwords” : {
“admin” : [“pass1”, “pass2”, “pass3”],
“moderator” : [“mpass”],
“guard” : [“gpass”],
“trusted” : [“tpass”]
“rights” : {
“moderator” : [“advance”, “cancel”, “dban”, “fog”, “from”, “goto”, “hackinfo”, “hban”, “invisible”, “ip”, “kick”, “kickafk”, “kill”, “map”, “master”, “move”, “mute”, “resetgame”, “switch”, “teleport”, “teleport_other”, “tpsilent”, “togglebuild”, “togglekill”, “togglevotekick”, “trust”, “undoban”, “unmute”, “unstick”, “where”, “whowas”],
“guard” : [“cancel”, “fog”, “from”, “goto”, “hackinfo”, “hban”, “ip”, “kick”, “kickafk”, “kill”, “move”, “mute”, “switch”, “teleport”, “teleport_other”, “togglebuild”, “togglekill”, “togglevotekick”, “trust”, “unmute”, “unstick”, “where”, “whowas”]
“ssh” : {
“enabled” : false,
“port” : 32887,
“users” : {
“user” : “ssh_pass_change_this”
“status_server” : {
“enabled” : false,
“port” : 32886
“ban_publish” : {
“enabled” : false,
“port” : 32885
“ban_subscribe” : {
“enabled” : true,
“urls” : [
[“http://www.blacklist.spadille.net/subscribe.json”, []]
“irc” : {
“enabled” : false,
“nickname” : “PySnip”,
“username” : “PySnip”,
“realname” : “PySnip”,
“server” : “irc.quakenet.org”,
“port” : 6667,
“channel” : “#MyServerChannel”,
“password” : “”,
“commandprefix” : “!”,
“chatprefix” : “.”
“scripts” : [
"squad_respawn_time" : 32,
"squad_size" : 4,
"auto_squad" : false,
"load_saved_map" : false,
"rollback_on_game_end" : false,
"afk_time_limit" : 30
Which version do you want? .75 or .76?
.75! And thanks! I’ll do this tommorow when I get on PC! I already downloaded btw. In ur spoiler under the passes it says rights moderator and guard no other rank. Do I have to add more ranks? also it’s possible for me to chat a command in irc and it happening in game? I’m sure it is if I read the code right.
Well iirc admins can use all the rights and mods and guards can only use the commands listed in their sub groups. Not sure about trusted, but you can probably copy guard and name it trusted and add commands that you want trusted to have.
For irc you will need to configure the irc section in the config file. iirc there you can only use built in commands in irc.
“irc” : {
“enabled” : false,
“nickname” : “PySnip”,
“username” : “PySnip”,
“realname” : “PySnip”,
“server” : “irc.quakenet.org”,
“port” : 6667,
“channel” : “#MyServerChannel”,
“password” : “”,
“commandprefix” : “!”,
“chatprefix” : “.”
I am not sure how the irc will do on windows system but i am able to get irc to work on my server which is running on ubuntu.
How about trusted it doesn’t say there rights. And trusted builder.
You would probably need to do this:
“trusted” : [“commands”,]
also not sure what you mean by trusted builder. Is that something on aloha? If so most aloha features differ from default pysnip.
Sorry for double post. I want it on the masterlist but do I have to port forward? Iirc my dad said no
Trusted builder - builder commands + /trust name
iirc you may need to portforward if you want other people outside you network to connect to your server.
Take a look at this site: http://portforward.com/
I’m not sure about this. I’ll ask another admin when I can get back on irc.
Triple post roulette! So I’d do this “trusted” : ["/trust"]
Then I’ll not put master server on. iirc I don’t need to port forward since I made a network in log me in hamachi.