[SCRIPT] helpban.py

This script may be helpful, the purpose of this command is to make it easier to ban a player during a certain time, usually the "/ban" command takes the "time" through the minutes, so 1 day will be " 1440 ", 2 months would be" 87600 ", 1 week" 10080 "etc.


  • /mban [#player ID or nick] [format time] [reason]

  • /checkban [ip]

  • The /mban command has special characters:

p = permanent ban
m = ban for months
w = ban for weeks
d = ban per days
h = ban by hours
t = ban per minutes (I do not think this is necessary but I also put it in case someone needs it)

Permanent ban

  • In case you want to ban a player permanently you will only have to use the following format:

/mban [player] [p] [reason]

For example:

/mban #2 p esp/ab

Ban per months

  • If you want to ban a player either for 1 month or more you should use the following format:
    /mban [player] [number of months / m] [reason]
    For example (ban for 2 months):
    /mban MegaStar 2m for being cool

Ban per weeks:

  • If you want to ban a player either for 1 week or more you should use the following format:
    /mban [player] [number of weeks / w] [reason]
    For example (ban for 1 week):
    /mban #2 1w superjump

Ban per days:

  • If you want to ban a player either for 1 day or more you should use the following format:
    /mban [player] [number of days / d] [reason]
    For example (ban for 3 days):
    /mban #2 3d evasion/esp

Ban per hours:

  • if you want to ban a player either for 1 hour or more you should use the following format:
    /mban [player] [number of hours / h] [reason]
    For example (ban for 5 hours):
    /mban #3 5h griefer

Ban per minutes

  • If you want to ban a player either for 1 minute or more you should use the following format:
    /mban [player] [number of minutes / t] [reason]
    For example (ban for 30 minutes):
    /mban #3 30t votekick abuse

  • When a player is banned, the script will send a message to all administrators saying that the "player" has just been banned by "name of the admin/guard/etc" for "duration of the ban" with the reason of "reason of the ban"
    "MegaStar was banned by MoDeR for 2 months with the reason of: for being cool"


  • Each ban that is done with the command /mban, in a file called "banformat.json" will be saved the following data of the banned player:

  • Nick of the banned player.

  • IP of the banned player.

  • Reason why he was banned.

  • The day and time he was banned.

  • Nick of the admin/mod/guard/etc that gave ban him.

  • For how long was he banned.

To use the command you should only use command /checkban [ip], for example:


IGN: MegaStar
Ban duration: 2 months
Reason: for being cool
Ban date: 2018/07/26 [20:35]
Banned by: MoDeR


  • Usually when someone bans a player with the command "/ban", in the global chat everyone can see the data of the ban, for example:

PabloEscobar was permabanned: esp/aimbot
MegaStar was banned for 999999 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes

  • In this script that can be configured, when you use the command "/mban" and you want that in the global chat nobody can see the data of the ban does and only show the message "was banned." for example: "MegaStar was banned", you must open the script and in line #19 "TOGGLE_GLOBAL_MESSAGE = True" you must change the True and set it False => TOGGLE_GLOBAL_MESSAGE = False

  • For default I have put it in False.

  • The /mban command can only be used within the game.

  • The command /checkban can be used within the game and through the console (run)

  • Make sure you download the file "banformat.json" and put it inside your dist folder (dist/banformat.json)

Any questions you have, just put your question on this topic, thank you.

banformat.json (4 Bytes)

helpban.py (9.45 KB)


Every day surprising more with your scripts, friend. :smiley:
(I feel special, thanks for including me in your post 8))