Refreshing CsMaps

That map taking second place in the ‘we hate these maps’ poll wasn’t enough? The other version of cs assault, 1337 assault, was added in a vain attempt to make cs assault playable. What’s the logic in getting rid of the map made to fix cs assault and not getting rid of the root of the problem? Why even call this ‘refeshing csmaps’? You should call it ‘adding some shit but not fixing the problem’. Take a look and see how long cs assault lasts compared to the other maps.


What people want and what makes a server work are two totally different things. I’ve been doing this long enough to know if you give in to every single complaint players have, you end up with no players and no game.

The other version of cs assault, 1337 assault, was added in a vain attempt to make cs assault playable.What's the logic in getting rid of the map made to fix cs assault and not getting rid of the root of the problem?
It was added because it was an easy way to add an additional [b]actual[/b] counterstrike map to the rotation. Now that we have two new maps, it's not necessary to have a second version of a map already on rotation.
Why even call this 'refeshing csmaps'? You should call it 'adding some shit but not fixing the problem'.
Because this thread wasn't created by a staff member?

De_nuke is a pretty good map but I got to say, take cs:go nuke maybe. The UnderGround part on the actual Nuke is way to big which is why some players get lost and CS:GO nuke is a bit smaller and easier to play I think… Just a suggestion
Also, Havana is a complete maze and seems a little bit green sided maybe. Was probably because blue were not able to look every flank route since they were all lost but eh.

But like Israel said (obviously with other words), Cs_Assault isn’t a good map and everytime I play it I end up camping even if I’m in blue team. Don’t get me wrong, Rushing is my favorite thing to do (which is why I hate grenades) but it seems like this map just absolutly need to take forever to play. I’ve tried rushing vent, backdoor and Garage door and everytime it was a complete fail and I’ve tried this on both sides, nothing to do. Both teams are doomed to camp and this is why the rounds always take the full 3mins to complete.

As a 2nd most hated map, i think it should be removed but it’s simply my opinion… If admins want to keep it well… just keep it

You (speaking to whoever runs things) wanted to add a new cs map so you took the worst cs map out there and added it to the server again with a few minor changes ( you added a back door that goes right to greens fucking spawn and took away the only cover green has) that made it even less playable for green team? Good job man. There wasn’t just one player that voted to get this map removed, 18 did. The second highest amount of voters want this map gone. You don’t have to look past the poll results to see what people want and you only have to play on the map or look at the time stats to see it doesn’t work. Getting rid of this map won’t hurt the server. Telling me it will only proves that one or two admins preference is making the decision for the entire community. Do we have a voice and are you even listening to it?

Thanks. Again, it’s actual counterstrike map, I didn’t “add a back door”. It was added because the biggest problem we had on csmaps was a lack of map variety.

There wasn't just one player that voted to get this map removed, 18 did. The second highest amount of voters want this map gone. You don't have to look past the poll results to see what people want and you only have to play on the map or look at the time stats to see it doesn't work. Getting rid of this map won't hurt the server. Telling me it will only proves that one or two admins preference is making the decision for the entire community. Do we have a voice and are you even listening to it?
You are way overstating the usefulness of polls. If we went ahead with every poll on this forum we would end up banning the entire country of Brazil, closing down all our empty servers, unbanning any player with enough friends to vote on his appeal's "poll". Polls have be taken with a HUGE grain of salt, nevermind polls that are just a loaded question

Try defending the map instead of attacking everything else but the issue at hand danke. Anybody else that can actually defend cs assault beyond “its a original cs map”?

How about: it’s as slow as any of the bigger maps on the server (cs_office, cs_militia), it’s a very popular and recognizable counterstrike map. Considering csmaps has a round timelimit that gets hit incredibly regularly on half the other maps on rotation, I fail to see how it is any slower than those maps. It’s hardly the map’s fault if people don’t realize their team still loses if they camp while outnumbered. It’s one of the few maps that requires strategy and teamwork to both defend and attack.

So you expect everybody on the server to know 4 difference languages so we can make a coordinated assault together? It is completely the maps fault if it doesn’t work with our community. This isn’t counter-strike this is ace of spades with a counter-strike resembling server. The server doesn’t need every trademark map from cs especially if the map in the rotation is as god awful to play on as cs assault. You can blame the players or you can blame the map but the simple truth is that neither work together in aos. It’s a map that gives you only two option, camp or kamikaze, and either way you end up sitting there getting bored. Its a massive map with only 3 doors maneuvering room. At least on italy or militia you’re given a chance. Cs assault just isn’t functional.

I agree completely, listen to the people, it’s obvious the community wants this map GONE!

I agree again, I go to another server whenever cs assault comes up unless a lot of people I know are on. It’s indeed a boring map with no options but to camp the entire round or die instantly when you go through an entrance, even on blue.

I don’t want it gone
every other map is “hur dur hold m1” but assault actually takes some effort that apparently none of you are used to

Camping a door isn’t effort A White Guy. Next argument?

walking in a straight line holding m1 isn’t either

Israelleelll, Idk if I’ve already said this but I agree with AWG:
Cs_Assault isn’t unbalanced, it just requires a diff. strategy for green: Camping inside the warehouse. Cause of this strategy, the greens actually win. Yeah and what about the “no camping” rule? I’m sorry but even in CS the terrorists actually camp inside because that’s what they’re supposed to do.

I never said there was no rule for or against camping. It makes for really shitty game play is all. If I wanted to camp id go to babel. I go to cs for a more fast paced game mode. cs assault ruins the momentum of the game play for the entire server. That one guy might be strategically running out a door and getting blown away but the rest of us are just kinda sitting there waiting for the map to end and that sucks. Again, we don’t have to have every cs map on a aos cs server. I don’t like it and a lot of other people don’t like it. With a community this small I think that opinion shouldn’t be void because of our status as non admins.