Poll: Turn off natural regeneration?

Hey everyone, I’ve already asked a couple of you about this in game or on IRC and most of you were ok with this idea, so now I’m having a poll to make sure it’s what the server wants and not just me :stuck_out_tongue:

Natural regeneration is healing from the hunger bar. Turning it off means you won’t heal without health potions, regen potions, regen effect from beacon, or golden apples.

It makes the game much more hard and dangerous. It also really gives a reason to wear the top tier armors and use potions, as it is right now you survive just fine with iron, or in my case, no armor.

I am worried it might make it too hard for new players on the server, however. So what do you think?

hmmm :frowning: I agree it would make it hard but it sounds op, even when hunting myself I have to move with caution to not get ambushed and killed in an instant, and diamonds aren’t that easy to come by when you want to do other things than just mining.

is it possible to slow down the effect of healing from a full hunger bar? or is it either on or off?

On/off only

Not disagreeing with you SnIpEr - though I don’t find diamond to be rare so much. It is a good point, though

Well, my thoughts.

I think this is a great idea, to make the game a little bit harder. For some of us, maybe all of us, we use /home which makes the game a lot easier so having something to “spice it up” sounds great.

Sure why not.

A good number of people are against it, so for now I’ll shelve the idea. Thanks to anyone that posted and voted