POLL: change mob-kill count to death-count?

Remove mob-kill count and switch it out with death-count on the tab-playerlist, poll is yes/no.

Right now I have it set to just below the username of players - and I think I prefer it this way. This way mob-kill count does not need to switch and people can see it better

Is there an advantage to either one?

I assume death-count measures how many times you’ve died.

IMO i would rather keep track of how many mobs I have killed then how many times I have died.

Nah it’s all just for fun - right now I have it set to just below a player’s username.

I guess this is a good idea, I’m down for it if you reset it every week month or so, I’ve already died 6 times for stupid reasons after you made the kill counter.

Yeah, why not? I would expect the reboot is in a few days.

kill counter that resets on death is what I want

Wow that’s actually not a bad idea, you mixed them together :stuck_out_tongue:

SnIpEr like mob-kill counter that will go to 0 when you die? I could look into adding that, it may not be necessarily possible, though.

slightly different opinion. you mentioned that we could see(i am assuming) on line player stats when we press tab only? I understand that there is the ability to place stats on a player visibly seen as there name is when engaging them in person.

Personally, I would prefer that NO stats are shown, just the name when you see a player in-game. I do like the idea of being able to press tab to see the online player names and a stat or two about them, whichever the community feels is of most interest. But having the extra data in my face seems a little too much. I am more inclined to the idea of pressing tab to see the list of online players with a whatever information next to the name you guys want…

Question, in multi-player, is there not the option to check your statistics as far as mob kills, player kills etc? At least in SP there is for sure… If so and you were so interested you could see your own from there. If it’s more about knowing other players stats, that is a different story and probably what we are discussing, but something I am not much interested in. But the community might be.

Personally, I don’t like the idea of stats plastered next to my name when you meet me. thats just me…

EDIT>>>> im not voting because my response is not really related to the vote. lol

I’d be happy with either, but think it should stay in TAB, available when you want them, not full time over your head.

SnIpEr has a great idea with the death reset. As it is mob kills and death counts just measure how long you’ve been playing and don’t tell you much (Two has what, 130000 kills? Geez!), but mob kills since last death would.

Kinda levels the field for new players and adds an incentive to stay alive - don’t want to ruin your stats!

The scoreboard should be doable for that, scoreboard players operation , at very worst you’d need a command block.
