I hope the following happens (but it never will): 1.0 will be so unpopular that Jagex loses a ton of money on it and Ben buys it back. On a side note, before it was announced that Jagex bought AoS out, the beta had 2.5 million downloads. 1.0 has 14,000 ;D
Well you have to take into consideration that regular AoS has had years to gather its download while Fagex otherwise known as Jagex has had only a month and has 14k. Although it says 2.5 mil I believe only 1-2% still play it. Even though only 1-2% still play that’s the people who love it and play it everyday or every other day. They call this a cult following.
Jagex would have probably made 2.6 million downloads onn day 1 if they haden’t screwed everything up. They underestimate our inteligence and the word of mouth.