“OpenSpades is an open source OpenGL-based alternative game client by yvt that can be used to play on all AoS 0.75 and AoS 0.76 servers…”
[*]Mac OS X supported (but might not work on 10.7 and earlier) [*]GUI localization support (currently, Russian & Japanese translations are available) [*]JPEG/PNG screenshot (cg_screenshotFormat). Smaller file size compared to TGA. Easier to upload to websites. [*]Revised, easier-to-use startup window [*]Statistics display which includes ping and network traffics (cg_stats, or Setup→Game Options→Misc→Show Statistics) [*]Some settings can be changed from the chat window (i.e. /cg_hidehud 1) warning: changing certain settings might crash the program. [*]Navigate through chat history with up/down arrow keys [*]Variable chat window size (cg_chatHeight, in percentage) [*]You can invert Y-axis input (cg_invertMouseY, or Setup→Controls→Invert Y-axis Mouse Input) [*]Addressed an issue that some models look broken ([url=https://github.com/yvt/openspades/issues/213]#213[/url]) [*][url=https://github.com/yvt/openspades/wiki/Hit-Detection-Debugger]Hit detection debugger[/url] [*]Bullet impact effect against water [*]caplimit is shown in the scoreboard [*]cg_smp is now working correctly [*]Switch to the last selected tool [*]Map can be opened when you're dead [*]YSR became faster. [*]More variety of sounds [*]Better compatibility with AoSβ [*]Many small bugs fixed
nice update, give it a try!
release thread: http://www.buildandshoot.com/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=10598