This post is not meant to be critical of anyone, but towards the current situation.
Sure, aimbotters and esp get banned, so nothing to complain about in that case.
But there is the issue of people being able to spam and to affect the game negatively.
Now before anyone goes and claims that I’m saying I’m perfect, no I’m not.
From people spamming chat with stupid messages to stating sexual orientation to spamming pms or whatever.
There does not appear rules to deal with spamming.
Now there is some solutions to this, either a rule set could be made for this or provide an option of /ignore (player name).
(Unless OpenSpades and BetterSpades start supporting a local ignore command.)
The other thing is the spawns being a joke.
You can have some players with aimbot like skill wiping out half the team in a few seconds.
You always spawn in the same zone no matter how your team is doing.
So maybe if the team is getting wiped out, have them spawn closer to the enemies base or spawn farther away from the enemy.
Nobody wants to join when the team is getting wiped out, so you can sometimes see 8 vs 16.
So spawns need to be fixed, and not in the way of static spawns.
For fixing the area of people who have aimbot like skill.
Provide an option for adjusting damage, but awarding kills differently.
Try /level 1 for normal difficulty.(default option.) Try /level 2 where it takes 2 shots for the damage of 1.
Try /level 3 for where it takes three shots to do the same damage as 1.
It makes it more difficult for someone to wipe out the team and can make it so teams are not screwed as badly.