Brings out Shamwow guy
How many times has this happened. You’re enjoying a nice round on your favorite arena server on a small map with a few close friends and some randoms then BAM! The map changes. What’s the next map going be? Is it going to be too big? too small? I don’t know, and then it hits you like a slap chop (or like when I beat the shit out of that prostitute here.) The map is gigantic, way to big for you and your few friends to play on. Rounds drag on, and ultimately the server dies like I would if I talked any faster. Well not any more, clean up that mess, like you would with a Shamwow, in one clean sweep.
So here’s what you’ll need to do. Have the arena script check for a new variable in the map.txt file. This variable will have the recommended number of players for that map.
if ‘numberOfPlayersOnServer’ < ‘recommendedPlayersForMap’
Do not play map.
Play map.
But wait there’s more!
You can add a reverse of the ‘<’ sign and cause a grouping effect (ie. recommended player count = 10-20, thus allowing for further map selection compared to the amount of players currently on the server.)
But wait there’s more!
You could also implement this with babel if a map is to large/bumpy/complex for a small group of players.
But wait if you call in right now, I’ll throw in a free family sized tea maker, so you can tea-bag with all your friends.
*Shamwow guy jumps out the window because he’s clearly on crack."
Thank you Vince you’ve been a great help.
Obviously I don’t think this idea is going to appeal to everyone, but thought I’d throw it out there.
Just as some examples: Arena Top 10, generator2 (15), prisonbreak (15-20); CS Arena, cs_militia (20), de_aztec (20). Some of these maps may be considered too large or complex for say 10 people to play comfortably and quickly.
While I agree with you, Tyler. There might (and probably are) people that enjoy these maps a lot. Which means that unless server is filled to a certain extent, they will not be able to play their favorite map and then they will just lose interest in playing in that server overall.
Tyler’s suggestion makes sense though. a populated server that repeats maps and plays preferred maps less often is better than a server that becomes unpopulated due to a map being too big for the current number of players…
It’s an idea open to opposition Mr. Wolf. Your input is quite valuable and welcomed. I agree it wouldn’t favor players that enjoy a large map regardless of player count.
(Side speculation: I would find it interesting if players attempted to encourage their friends to play as to get the player count high enough to play said large maps)
Maybe if the /votemap was incorporate as well then servers with a lower play count could vote for the larger maps if that suits the current set of players.
(You could even disable /votemap if ‘currentPlayerCount’ > ‘defaultLowPlayerCount’)
and in fun of humor, I don’t feel like the Lone Wolf has got my tongue.
@Izzy’s request:
I currently have not come up with any more map/minimums, I’m sure I’ll come across more, and I will look into the arena map lists in a little bit.
This could also give an opportunity for others to give their opinion on the idea and map/minimums they think could use this.