New style of play in arena?

Have you ever thought that - arena, well known game mode, can be really fun if all the players use spades?
I’ve played several those rounds recently. And its probably even more fun than any other game mode…
Well yes it requires an agreement, all people must agree to use spades, then can the real spade arena begin!
It could be an idea also for FSOM in my opinion… Although best gaming experience is when there are about 8-15 people, more than 15 people can turn the spade arena into “wild rodeo” - it’s just maybe too messy then.

This would be amazing to see on top10 maps.

Ill Stick up the idea for the next Fsom [sniper really has been nagging about soccer so theres a good chance arena spades won’t be the next one]

Oh well, we can manage (soccer is great, but skullcourt holds up the game forever)

That map was removed


spade only arena used to be a thing, but I didn’t really like it, because best ping would win all the time.
I still like the melee vs melee concept tho, but for it to work well, it would need more than just disabling all guns.

soccer best gamemode for fsom

also there are probably servers for spades-only

Chucks spade wars is no more

Next FSOM is football (soccer) then? No problem with it…
And so, the First Saturday of Month after it will be the spade arena?

The maps are pretty cool :smiley: