New 0.75 game client

Hi all, if you were aware of some previous discussions… I’ve thought of making a game client.
This has been in alpha testing for a while now, you might have noticed impossible shots every once in a while.
This was due to several bugs, but they have been fixed.

I’ll provide a link shortly, currently some DNS issues with the domain, but you’ll see my work shortly.

Be sure to check this thread, there will be some surprises and features I haven’t shared yet.


I was about to write that the initial release would be V01.04, but then I noticed that the post was written on 31.03.

Looking forward to seeing results.

April fools. :stuck_out_tongue:


Zehra: April fools only work on 1st of April. Please note that you published on March 31st, so now you MUST publish a new client or look like a fool yourself. ;D

we already got like two clients being worked on so eh

Off course…
…But it never hurts to be polite when someone wishes to participate.
That this might be an unsucessfull attempt at an april fools joke was pointed out in my very first posting in this thread.