More babel /heavens!


Marshmello and @Born have created SEVENTY-TWO new /heaven options to use in-game!

They look absolutely stunning :heart_eyes: Check them out above, below, or ingame!

altf4 altf4
ball ball
aos4ever aos4ever
ara1 ara1
avrora avrora
balance balance
2morehours 2morehours
32 32
abu abu
aliens aliens
born2 born2
banned banned
baws baws
bawsbaws bawsbaws
bizonho bizonho
cooked cooked
bornnuke bornnuke
capi capi
chill chill
colossus colossus
deadchat deadchat
deuce deuce
elbow elbow
cornballs cornballs
de1 de1
gigi gigi
eyebot eyebot
fembois fembois
fuji fuji
gato gato
guysimup guysimup
hawkan hawkan
heart heart
heaven heaven
iliketrains iliketrains
kitty kitty
iwilltry iwilltry
jamal jamal
jesus jesus
killerpollo killerpollo
meiser meiser
ladybug ladybug
lagloha lagloha
lagoha lagoha
martin martin
oeeae oeeae
moder moder
molealert molealert
myteam myteam
nowar nowar
rakete rakete
parawhore parawhore
pixelpizza pixelpizza
pop pop
qult qult
reporauno reporauno
redeyes redeyes
regice regice
remus remus
repair repair
smgnoob smgnoob
router router
sagg sagg
seen seen
shoppe1 shoppe1
souped souped
stonked stonked
sunset sunset
trusted trusted
vegancommunist vegancommunist
yoba yoba
whale whale

Let us know which one is your favorite, and make sure to thank the creators when you see them! Thanks again Marshmello and @Born!

Collaborated by,
:newspaper: News Team
:zap: Got news? Message us! :point_right: @news-team


cool beans :beans:

soupy not ?, sad

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