January FSOM [Soccer/football]

Sign me up for green please.

Can’t make it sorry, something else came up and ruined my plans for today. I hope someone records :slight_smile:

I arrived home at 10:18pm gmt and the evend was still running for some reason :smiley:

Server Ip [/size]http://aos075.aloha.pk:46886/[size=3.95em]

Loads of fun. Thanks everyone for participating. Can’t wait to see the vid!

Thanks guys, it was great game, lots fun. I’m happiest person in world right now.


Awesome vid, great quality. Nice game point, shywolf.

Nice Video.
And also good game. Sorry I had to leave the last few minutes.


Yea, scrawl was in the middle of most everything. White block ftw

u wot m8
I meant I was mvp wow

No get out of here. :confused: BR is mvp he was able to stop a goal with his afk body :p.