our guards, moderators, and admins will be challenging community members from the official AoS forums to good ol’ fashioned CTF on Sunday, July 1, 2012, at 11:00 AM Pacific GMT-7. the event will take place on Influx’s Normandie map for 45 minutes or until either team captures the intel 5 times, whichever happens first.
The forum team lost. But not by much!
In the first round Aloha scored a cap early on and in the second round, no one scored.
Atleast as far as I know. I had to leave round 2 early
BTW: I was on the forum team.
Just to let you know. the second game ended as the first. Aloha scored a point in the last 10 minutes of gameplay. Actually i believe it was in the last 5 minutes. Hey, and just a reminder DON’T bring your aimbots into a game full of ADMINS. Yeah there are people that stupid. We did have an awesome time and plan on doing something similar in the futere so keep your ears open and you eyes pealed for updates.