Is the issue of arena all maps/arena top 10 maps servers crashing fixable?

Good day,

I have an inquiry for any applicable administrators regarding your arena top 10/arena all maps servers. In particular, I am wondering if the issue of these servers always crashing (and then never coming back online) is resolvable.

Perhaps you are already aware of this issue and find it unable to be fixed? If not, I think I speak on behalf of a large portion of arena players when I say that we significantly prefer top 10/all maps to the cs-go maps. Fixing this issue would certainly improve the “ace of spades experience” quite heftily for a sizable percentage of people who play this game.

Thank you,
Doctor Dank.

Please consider adding some maps to Arena Top 10 as it is being fixed…

mrw im having fun in all maps with pals like doctor dank, tai, and some korean but then the server goes offline


I’m pretty sure you were not disconnected because server went offline last night.


It’s been like that for as long as I remember lol.

I applied some changes today to the server (hopefully it works now and continues to)

Thank you for getting back so quickly. Hopefully stability of these servers (and perhaps in conjunction with some map-rotation adjustments, as is being discussed in those other threads) will create some more variety in arena.