[-IS-] Iron Sentinels - Recruiting!!

Flerikko i already pmed you but you didnt reply so ill do it again and the other day me and shown played for an hour or so and we wre chatting so maybe he could see me again?

Thanks. :smiley:

Name (real name, only first):Kurt
Your IGN (In Game Name):Sakuna
Do you have a Facebook account :Yes
Skype info (optional):No
Quick summary about yourself (skills, hobbies, etc…):I love Video Games And Basketball
How active can you be:1 hour to 2
Time zone:(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Time playing AoS:3:00 To 7:00
Past clans:This is the first Clan i join
Why you wish to join IS:I got iinspired by shawn
What are you most proficient at? For example, building, sniping… :Sniping
Preferred weapon:Rifle
Ban history (Have you ever been banned from a server before and what servers):No

Thank you very much!

;D ;D NP, and for aceshooter, pls PM Shawn, i told him to talk to u … sry for the delay, but my clanmates r really suspicious… :-\ :-\


and you please link shawns profile so i can pm him and its alright


Name (real name, only first): Will not tell, privacy reasons. :-[
Your IGN (In Game Name): Greninja
Do you have a Facebook account : No.
Skype info (optional): Nah.
Quick summary about yourself (skills, hobbies, etc…): Love to build, play Pokemon, love Nintendo.
How active can you be: 1-3 hours.
Time zone: UTC +3, Moscow (I’m currently in Smolensk, Russia)
Time playing AoS: 12.00-15.00
Past clans:Nope.
Why you wish to join IS: I want to have fun with a really polite people. ::slight_smile:
What are you most proficient at? For example, building, sniping… : Building and usin SMG
Preferred weapon:SMG/Rifle (I dunno)
Ban history (Have you ever been banned from a server before and what servers): Never.

P.S. My kill-death ratio everytime is 1.5 or more.

thanks ill pm him i just really want to join

Heres His Link (Sorry i dont get it but here is shawns profile link)http://aloha.pk/index.php?action=profile;u=2117

Hi, I really didn’t know where to post this, but something turned up IRL and I will not be on BnS for a little while. Please do not kick me out of the clan because once everything is okay I am going to try and get back on. Thanks.

hey guys its been six days since i last heard from you whats happening??


[details=Click for details][details=Click for details]Actually, you are not in. (in my opinion)
However, council is still voting. Just be patient, m8.[/details][/details]


Aceshooter, sry, but ill be inactive, ill tell my clanmate to deal with you. (Damn it i already told him)

Oh and SakuraHatesSpawnKilling, sry, but you have been rejected. 4/6 voted no. :frowning: :’(

Is it me? :stuck_out_tongue:

just asking how many votes do i have?

Not sure, but 2 of them are “yes”.

Ninja, the 2 yeses u r saying r the previous apps. Pls stay back :-
And u have 2/6 yes’s, and if we see u play, its either 2/6, or 5/6
Need 4/6 to get in