Intel RPG

Thought I should move this to aloha from the game forums, since they’re offline

*last update 8/22 …

aloha server running it and Yourself’s 1ctf:

This script gives you a reward for grabbing and capturing intel.
Once you pick up intel you now have level 1 of a random power of the six available.
After capturing intel, you have level 2 of that power. Capture again for level 3.
Set your preferred power using /powerpref, (the first power you get is always random though).
Names and descriptions of powers can be seen by typing /power ingame.

Level 1: all non-headshot, non-melee hits against you do 1/2 damage

Level 2: all non-headshot, non-melee hits against you do 1/4 damage

Level 3: all non-headshot, non-melee hits against you do 1/8 damage

Level 4: Zombie: You spawn with no gun (you still have nades), but you take 1/15 damage. (zombies are immune to poison)

Level 5: Berserk: You do more damage when low on health (100/hp, max of 2x)

Extended Mag:

Level 1: You spawn with 10 extra bullets loaded.

Level 2: You spawn with 20 extra bullets loaded.

Level 3: You spawn with 30 extra bullets loaded.

Level 4: Burst Fire: Your weapon fires a burst of shots when fired manually.

Level 5: Intel Radar: While sneaking, you are updated on the position of the enemy holding your intel

Good Teammate:

Level 1: teammates near you (and you) are healed 10 points every time you get a headshot

Level 2: teammates near you (and you) are healed 20 points every time you kill

Level 3: 30 hp for headshot / 20 hp normal kill

Level 4: Team Medic: While sneaking, teammates near you heal 5 hp/s (stacks with their regen)

Level 5: Mobile Tent: Teammates can touch you to refill their supplies (15 second cooldown)
Good teammate will also cure poison!


Level 1: you are safely teleported to where your nade goes off

Level 2: you are teleported to where you break a block with your gun (2 Uses)

Level 3: you are teleported to where you break a block with your gun (4 Uses)

Level 4: Ninja Warp: You are invisible for 3 seconds after teleporting (nade teleporting only)

Level 5: Freaky Friday: Holding sneak will allow you to swap position with the enemy you hit (2 Uses)
You can refill uses at the tent, and nades will continue to work (ignoring use limit) for all levels


Level 1: you are healed 2hp every second.

Level 2: you are healed 3hp every second.

Level 3: you are healed 5hp every second.

Level 4: Paratrooper: Every other time you spawn, you spawn in the sky above where you died.

Level 5: Shock Trooper: Like Paratrooper, but your landing is explosive to enemies

Poison Bullets:

Level 1: enemies you hit take 1 damage/sec until they touch the tent or die

Level 2: enemies you hit take 2 damage/sec until they touch the tent or die

Level 3: enemies you hit take 3 damage/sec until they touch the tent or die

Level 4: Disarm: Your bullets have a chance of emptying an enemy’s gun.

Level 5: Poison Block: One block you place poisons enemies who come near it (only 1 block at a time)


Level 1: A 10% chance headshots cause an explosion.

Level 2: A 15% chance headshots cause an explosion.

Level 3: A 30% chance headshots cause an explosion.

Level 4: Blocksplosion: Blocks you place explode when broken. (5 per life) type /d to detonate them all at the same time!

Level 5: Sticky Bombs: Your bullets have a chance of turning the enemy into a timebomb. (bombs have a 5 second timer)

Level 4 powers:
Level 4 powers are gained by typing /four #
You must have at least 10 levels overall
You will lose all powers you have to upgrade, and you cannot gain any levels → you can only have one level 4 power and nothing else
Typing /clearpowers will reset you back to 0 and you can gain powers like a new player
You cannot lose Level 4 powers

Level 5 powers:
Level 5 powers are gained by typing /five #
You must have all the Level Four Badges
You cannot lose Level 5 powers
You get badges by using each level four power:

  • 5 zombie spade kills
  • 5 burst fire kills
  • 250 hp healed with Team Medic
  • 5 kills while invisible
  • 5 kills while parachuting
  • 5 kills while your enemy is disarmed
  • 5 kills using blocksplosion
    Losing Levels and Instakilling:
    There’s an invisible point system behind the scenes-
    if you kill a player you get one point
    if you die you lose a point
    if you capture intel you get a point
    You gain/lose extra points if you are carrying intel or if the person is a higher level/lower level when you kill/die
    IE: if you die to a lower level player while carrying intel, you will lose 3 points
    Hitting 0 points will make you lose one level, and you will reset to 4 points
    You cannot go higher than 6 points, but while at 6 points you have a 1/10 chance of instakilling.
    tldr: keep your ratio positive and keep capping intel and you’ll keep your powers and instakill more

    All powers are free for the last ten minutes of the game

    Comments, suggestions, etc?




































I’ve been thinking about replacing the level 5 powers with something more useful:

original: Berserk - You do more damage when low on health (100/hp, max of 2x)
replacement: Cloak - You are invisible while holding a block and standing still.

original: Intel Radar - While sneaking, you are updated on the position of the enemy holding your intel
replacement: Refund - Bullets that hit enemies are returned to the chamber

original: Mobile Tent - Teammates can touch you to refill their supplies (1original: second cooldown)
replacement: Leech - Like poison, but you are healed while they are poisoned (stackable)

original: Freaky Friday - Holding sneak will allow you to swap position with the enemy you hit (2 Uses)
replacement: Telefrag - Headshotting an enemy will teleport you to their dead body (unlimited uses)

original: Shock Trooper - Like Paratrooper, but your landing is explosive to enemies
replacement: Vertigo - Like paratrooper, but spawns a small landing platform in the sky for you to land on

original: Poison Block - One block you place poisons enemies who come near it (only 1 block at a time)
replacement: Confusion - Enemies you hit will have their bullets heal instead of hurt your teammates.

original: Sticky Bombs - Your bullets have a chance of turning the enemy into a timebomb. (bombs have a original: second timer)
replacement: Cluster Nades - Your grenades throw 3 short-fuse nades out when they explode


Sounds awesome.

Telefrag seems annoying if you can’t turn it off.

loooovve the icons

great idea.

how will this work exactly? so many seconds after you hit them? or the number of bullets you hit them with is the number of bullets they heal you/your teammates with?

why do these new powers have to be replacements? why can’t the old ones stay too?

that was my first thought too.

Beserk should be switched to something like zombie, but you can use guns and you have 500HP.
Intel radar should be replaced with somethig that gives you an entire weaponload of bullets in a single mag
Moble tent should stay
Freaky friday should be like telefrag but you have to be crouching
Vertigo sounds good
Confusion should be leech
Cluster nades sounds good

All are just IMO

Thinking about it made me realize it is a really bad idea. Maybe have it so if you would’ve killed them, they’re now confused.
IE: if jon has 1 hp and bob has Confusion power, and bob shoots jon, instead of dying-
yeah nevermind, this power is too complicated

Level 3 armor pretty much does this, only headshots still kill you. I don’t really want to nerf headshots.

Nobody uses it though.

Probably right.

What I got so far now:

Deflect level 5:
You are invincible while holding the sprint key and standing still.

Longmag level 5:
You spawn with a 255-bullet magazine loaded

Mobile Tent level 5:
Teammates can touch you for a refill (with cooldown)

Teleblock level 5:
Place a block and press v to teleport back to it.

Vertigo level 5:
Like Paratrooper, but spawns a small landing platform in the sky to land on

Leech level 5:
Like poison, but you are healed while they are poisoned (stackable)

Cluster Nades level 5:
Your grenades throw 3 short-fuse nades out when they explode.

Place a block and press v to teleport back to it.

Is there a limit to this? Or can we just place a block and press V to get to the enemy’s spawn every time?

Das cool, makes me wana go play IRPG nao.

The block is destroyed when you teleport, and players could destroy it also. You could place it, die, teleport, place again.
This was mostly a test, this power and Deflect are very overpowered at the moment.

Like poison, but you are healed while they are poisoned (stackable)

Sounds OP; how about making it only heal 1/3 of the damage the enemy takes? Or is there already some sort of limit?

It would be 3hp/s per enemy while they are alive. To get 1 more hp/s than regen, you’d have to shoot, but not kill, two people.

The command /badges doesn’t work . My glitch is that I can get 6 of 7 badges, but it’s impossible to get Medic Badge. It’s need to level 5.

You need to heal 250hp to unlock it. It is not impossible to get. Easiest way is to throw grenades at yourself and heal the damage.

To be honest I think BlockSplosion needs a bit more of an explosion radius if that is possible.
I managed to kill more people with spade than I did with blocksplosion cause it is just damn hard to kill with it.
Not 100% sure if it’s not just my internet because the blocks scarcely do any damage when if the enemy is just 1-2 blocks away from all five.

what happen to deadly dice