[How To] Change Settings(Windowed or Fullscreen, etc)

Hello, Danat here.

This guide is to change multiple settings for Ace of Spades.

First, find your folder with all ace of spades related shortcuts, that are installed with game.
One quick way, Search for Ace of Spades Server, its a shortcut, open its folder, by right-clicking, and click open file location.

Open the Configurations shortcut.

here you can change some settings, like name, windowed/fullscreen, resolution, volume, etc.

)Ingame name:
Choose or change your ingame name
no weird characters just letters and numbers.

)Windowed/ FullScreen:
Change into full screen or go back to windowed mode.
Fullscreen: windowed = 0
Windowed: windowed = 1

Change the resolution for the game.
default xres = 800, yres = 600.
max xres = 1280, yres = 960.
keep in mind higher resolutions will make the text smaller.

Mute or adjust the volume of sounds
muted: vol = 0
full sound: vol = 10

you can also change others settings like language, although i wouldn’t know which are possible,
inverty, will invert the y of the mouse. ( = 1 to enable, = 0 disabled)
mouse sensitivity, leave as it is, unless you know what you’re doing and would like to adjust it.(default = 5.000000)

Careful not to add any extra signs or letters.

Thats it, now save the file and start ace of spades, and play your favorite aloha servers.
Hope to see you around in the game.

Nice… but you can just download the launcher and change the settings there, much easier and faster.

Thanks atrain, I’ve never used the launcher so I didnt know about that.
I’ll be giving the launcher a try.

Although, this is useful for those who do not have or use the launcher,

still, using the launcher is more simple and efficient,
yet its always good to know how to change things manually.

See ya in game,