How to apply for an admin

Surprisingly, there’s only one condition:
You must be fit to be an admin.

Unfortunately, this condition is pretty hard to satisfy.

Thats kinda what I was going to say, so, Good luck me, :stuck_out_tongue:

When did you apply big jimmy?

Sometime in May

So are you a guard or a moderator yet?

Nope. Just takes patience, go talk to an admin about it.

Yeah no kidding it does take patience.

10 more days till I can re-apply, :slight_smile:

Big Jim for admin 2012 :L

Big Jim for admin 2012 :L


can someome send a link to the sub forum, i cant find it

It’s currently down, as there are too many apps pending

At least that’s what I heard from…someone I forgot. He was an admin though.