HELP ME It is the skript to block the entrance nickname on server?

It is the skript to block the entrance nickname on server by the same kick after selecting Team?

help me plssss

Wtf is this script
Sorry I dont understand much english but
for what I know
I dont understand your explanation of that script

I know, you are asking, but I think that almost no one speaks Engrish. :V

made this script for you.

script info


  • list of blocked strings in names (if you block “”, those with the string “” anywhere in their name will be automatically silent-kicked)

  • list of exceptions for those blocked strings (if you add an exception for “Person”, anyone with “Person” in their name won’t be kicked)

  • optionally saves blocked strings and exceptions to file after a change (you can disable/enable saving and change the file location at the top of the script)


  • by “in their name”, I also mean if their entire name is equal to that.
    if you have a string containing “”, another identical string “” will technically contain the former.

  • the script works through IRC and the console aswell.
    useful for if you block yourself! :)if you block yourself! :slight_smile:

  • there are no IP address exceptions
    since names are easily changable in AoS with the lack of any multi-server[-host] account system (think steam), someone could easily evade a nameblock or use the name of a player on the exception list.


  • /blockplayer block <string>
    adds the blocked string to the blocked list.
    will alert you if the string you are blocking contains an already blocked string, and ask if you wish to override the alert

  • /blockplayer unblock <string>
    removes the closest string to what you typed from the blocked list. (if it exists. sorta like autocomplete)
    if there is more than one result, it will ask you to specify which one to unblock.

  • /blockplayer except <string>
    same general functionality as block, except for adding to the exception list

  • /blockplayer unexcept <string>
    same general functionality as block, except for removing from the exception list

  • /blockplayer search <string>
    searches both lists for a string

  • /blockplayer list
    lists all blocks and exceptions

  • /blockplayer reload
    reloads from the save file (if enabled)

  • /blockplayer debug
    something I accidentally left in, just ignore it :slight_smile:

if you’re looking to ban evaders, there are much better alternatives.