hello i'm 'new'....

I dunno if this thread is illegal (haha or against your rules for that matter) but yeah… this is my first post here. Doesn’t mean I’m new to AOS altogether, just haven’t been bothered to make a forum account eh?

Curious, I’m wondering if there’s anyone that recognizes me, would be good to have some 1v1 or matches or stuff like that since I’ve got time. Again, sorry I’ve based this thread on kind of my own terms, probably won’t do that in the future again… Yeah, anyway nice to be here in the aloha.pk forums, I guess.

Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay.

Welcome to aloha forums! :stuck_out_tongue: As long as it’s related to AoS, it shouldn’t be a problem. Even if it’s not, it will be moved to the right section of the forums. (Like the ‘whatevahs’ section.) Enjoy your stay!

hmm, first time I see you around. Welcome to the aloha comunity, I hope you enjoy your stay.
If you wish to post something on the forums, don’t worry about legalities n shit, people rarely get banned around here.


We’re very open to people being able to post whatever they want, and like Jed said, we’ll just move your thread to the right place if need be instead of trolling and flaming :slight_smile:

Aloha has nice community, don’t be afraid to speak your mind

Welcome to the community Poorsoft! Hope to see you around the forum or ingame :slight_smile:

ye i recognize you, we met in some server when i was Darkwolf, idk if you still remember me or nawt enjoy ur stay

Don’t recognize you, but welcome. We should play sometime :slight_smile: I have only ever 1v1’d once, more would be fun!

Welcome! If you want to 1v1 people, might be a good idea to log in to the IRC for aloha and post a comment suggesting a match. Probably your best chance at getting a response. Good Luck and Have FUN! derp

Nice to meet you.
