Practicing “aloha”
is pretty important around here, and disrespectful behavior is strongly frowned upon.
Please behave appropriately for all ages, races, genders, and differences, as if you are in public in the physical world.
Absolutely zero tolerance on the usage of racial or otherwise hateful epithets, which are disgusting words that never need be spoken amongst civilized members of a community and serve to do nothing but upset members of the community who may be younger or otherwise affected by these words.
Don’t spam the chat. It’s hard to define what spam really is, so let’s consider the dictionary’s definition:
irrelevant, unwanted, intrusive, or inappropriate messages sent to a large number of recipients
. Frequently repeated text is another way of defining spam.Light-hearted trash-talking
is generally tolerated; it’s a fun part of online gaming, we get that. But please don’t get carried away. Respect is key.
Don’t cheat.
Don’t evade your “punishments.” Evasion will result in stricter restrictions. Instead, continue reading for suggested resolution options.
Just be cool, please.
So, why have guidelines?
We, “staff” as a whole, want to be as consistent and fair as possible when we moderate our servers. These guidelines are meant to inform you of what is and isn’t acceptable and when we might take action against certain behavior.
These guidelines are written to discourage the unruly behavior of a few from negatively affecting “the majority,” a.k.a. anyone & everyone else. All of these guidelines should be common sense already, so there should be no issues following them.
Important note
The effects of your behavior trump whether or not you technically follow the letter of the rules. We will act against borderline, inflammatory, and otherwise toxic behavior that disrupts the smooth functioning/peaceful environment of our community.
Any “staff” member, upon our individual discretion, may restrict your access if doing so is deemed better for “the majority” – if for example, you are detected to be cheating, or perhaps your behavior could have been nicer? We try our best to be fair & reasonable, but any of us can make mistakes. If you think we made a mistake, i.e., you disagree with a decision that has been made, or if you’d like to offer an apology for a chance at a second chance, please try to talk it out with the acting “staff” member first, preferably over our Discord server. If for some reason you can’t work it out, you may post an appeal on our forum to initiate our peer evaluation of your situation among our trusted “staff.”
Age requirement
If you are under the age of 13 years, we must have permission from your parents or legal guardian before you may use this website and play on our game servers. Please ask them to email for instructions.
Privacy policies
Your privacy is as important to us as our own. We are actively taking reasonable measures to ensure & improve the security of data on our servers, however we cannot guarantee with 100% certainty that breaches and other such loopholes won’t occur unexpectedly. If you need help removing your information from our servers, such as deletion of your forum account, please ask an “staff” member to assist you. network
Communication transcripts and connection details, such as your user/player name, IP address & client info, may be retained on our servers and referenced internally by our “staff” members strictly for the purpose of maintaining a peaceful environment for “the majority.” We may cross examine such information on any of our services such as our game servers, IRC channels, Discord server, and forum, using one or more of the third party services listed below.
Here are some excerpts from privacy policies of third party services that we consider relative to our use:
Spam filter service.
We collect information automatically when you: visit, interact with, or use AWS Offerings (including when you use your computer or other device to interact with AWS Offerings); download content from us;
Examples of the information we automatically collect include: network and connection information, such as the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer or other device to the Internet and information about your Internet service provider; computer and device information, such as device, application, or browser type and version, browser plug-in type and version, operating system, or time zone setting; the location of your device or computer; authentication and security credential information; content interaction information, such as content downloads, streams, and playback details, including duration and number of simultaneous streams and downloads; the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through, and from […] AWS Offerings, content you viewed or searched for, page response times, download errors, and page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs); identifiers and information contained in cookies (see our Cookie Notice).
Logs: Cloudflare processes logs of End Users’ interactions with Customer’s Internet Properties and the Services. This information is processed when End Users access or use our Customers’ domains, websites, APIs, applications, devices, end points, and networks that use one or more of our Services, and when End Users access or use Services, such as Cloudflare for Teams. The information processed may include but is not limited to IP addresses, system configuration information, and other information about traffic to and from Customers’ websites, devices, applications, and/or networks.
Network Data. Cloudflare collects and stores Network Data, which are models, observations, reports, analyses, statistics, databases and other information created, compiled, analyzed, generated or derived by Cloudflare from server, network or traffic data generated by Cloudflare in the course of providing the Service, including information required to help Cloudflare identify, analyze, mitigate, prevent, and block malicious activities on Cloudflare’s network. Examples of Network Data include service uptime and service availability metrics, request volumes, error rates, cache rates, origin and nature of malware, and IP threat scores.
Your Stuff. Our Services are designed as a simple and personalized way for you to store your files, documents, photos, comments, messages, and so on (“Your Stuff ”), collaborate with others, and work across multiple devices and services. To make that possible, we store, process, and transmit Your Stuff as well as information related to it. This related information includes […] things like the size of the file, the time it was uploaded, collaborators, and usage activity.
To protect and rate-limit the API we store the network IP address of your client in memory (RAM) for up to 1 minute.
Any other information you provide is discarded after your request is answered. We do not log requests.
We also store a list of your positive detections […]. We also store for around 5 minutes the negative detections made by our API, we then run these through our machine learning engine to find more proxies to block, only proxies found this way are stored long term with the rest of the data being discarded.
We don’t actively monitor anyone and we generally only store some connection logs, however you should assume everything done and said on IRC is public as it’s probably being logged by someone else.
Stop Forum Spam
Please be sure to review the above policies more thoroughly at the provided URLs as these excerpts could become outdated unknowingly to us at any time.
Read our Discourse privacy policy for additional details.
Please recognize that is a hobby operated by volunteers, and we have lives outside of, just as you do. While we do our best to be a safe & respectful environment, we can’t be perfect all of the time. Neither nor any of its “staff” members shall be liable for any damages or claims you may or may not encounter as a result of your access, or loss of access, to the services we manage.
No guarantees or warranties are provided or implied. Use our services at your own risk.
Terms of service
You agree to not sell this service or information generated from this service, directly or indirectly, without explicit consent from one of our community leaders and the author of the content. You also agree to not use / reuse information generated from this service, directly or indirectly, without giving credit to the source ( and the author of the content).
Read our Discourse terms of service for additional details.
The bottom line
We try to err on the side of leniency, but we do expect you to digest and follow our guidelines/policies. Please check this page periodically as our guidelines/policies may evolve at any time.
By using any of our services, i.e., any part of the official network, you agree to:
- Be compliant with our guidelines/policies written herein.
- Not promote any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the United States, or International Law.
Please let us know how we can improve in our Suggestion Box.
Alternatively, perhaps you can find something that better suits you at
Whatever you do, we wish you well in this adventure known as life!