Got ideas? Suggestions? Please drop your thoughts in our Suggestion Box to help us improve!

:point_up: Step one

Please browse through already submitted suggestions in our Suggestion Box category before submitting your own suggestions. This will help us manage tasks in an organized, efficient way.

:v: Step two

Thanks for reviewing already submitted suggestions! :sparkles:

Please drop your own thoughts in our Suggestion Box :mailbox_with_mail: submission form:


The form will automatically tag your post, categorize it, add polls, and format it for you. Only the Title and Summary fields are required, but please try to provide as many details a possible so we can spend less time researching and more time doing.

:computer_mouse: Send new suggestion to the Suggestion Box :mailbox_with_mail:

You can also open it by visiting the Suggestion Box category and clicking New Topic.

  • Please try to limit your ideas to one per submission. Additional submissions are welcome! :slight_smile: