Thank You! :slight_smile:

You forgot why Iā€™m named ā€œMonstaā€

because of your cat

tfw only 3 votes for the most OG map

If there is still room to join I would like to be placed in blue team please.

Today is the day where millions died. I think it is toooo late to sign up!

Heh, okay then we will have to do our best. Challenge accepted.

Blue is full, but if someone doesnā€™t show up your going to get priority for blue. Atm Iā€™m adding you to green.

As a reminder to everyone, FSOM starts in about 4 hours, 45 minutes.

Times worldwide (click)

Check back here for the server link (for you high speed guys itā€™ll be the aloha infiltration server currently online).

Just a reminder to everyone, FSOM starts in about 1 hour.

If you havenā€™t already, please install mumble! Thereā€™s no online signup or anything required, just install and join the aloha mumble channel. Setup instructions are located in the original post (1st page) of this thread.

Even if you donā€™t have a microphone, or donā€™t feel particularly chatty, thatā€™s ok! A lot of communication will be happening in there, and itā€™s very useful if you can listen in.

Also, if you need live help, you can join the aloha IRC here. You can always gets someoneā€™s attention (like myself) by typing the exact name of the person in chat. That way if weā€™re in another channel, itā€™ll beep at us and get our attention.

See you all in an hour!

Server Ip http://aos075.aloha.pk:35886/



Join us in mumble and in game. It will start in about 10 minutes

Good Game guys!!


That was pretty close. Green was in the lead the first half, I thought they were gonna pull an upset there at the end.

Yep, Was a close game, Any ScreenShots, And GamingFTW Recorded it all so there a high chance the video will be on tomorrow or the next day. (Link to his Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/GamingFTW12

Very close game, I think the intel needs to be moved up a tad though, lol at that hacker who decided to hack #rip you just got banned in a server loaded with admins. mods and guards. GG Everyone hopefully the map gets added into the rotation.




The glitch on blue with all the kills

Video will be up tomorrow. I recorded the entire thing. I spent 6:30 hours rendering it. It will be up tomorrow I will upload it tonight.
GG everyone, it was a very close game.