FSOM July 2014

might not be able to make it because hurricane

I thought Tim Howard was going to save us from the Hurricane?!

Gimme like 2 mins! It’s almost ready and i’ll post the server link on the front page in a moment.

Join us in IRC:


Join up!

I will join soon in like 15~20min or so

I gained the power of being unkickable in zombies… yay

Well, that was a fun couple of hours but I got server disconnect and can’t get back in so might call it a night.

It was a good FSOM.

Is this mode going to stay?

Thanks everyone for participating. You all gave me a ton of feedback on what to do with the script and I’ve already worked out a few things.

I might make it permanent, I’m not sure yet. Danko has an awesome zombie mode with bots and we may be able to merge them into one.

In the mean time a slightly updated version of it is still on the same address. Zombies can press V now to sense where humans are. Should force the humans to stand and fight than run off and hide. Additionally there’s prompts about time, so you know when a round is about to start, or how long until it ends.

I’m also very open to any feedback from you all. My immediate thoughts are to have a one or 2 control points (tents) that the humans have to hold till round end. This would allow map makers to create unique standoff points, plus the humans could be rewarded with constant ammo reloads if within the vicinity of the tent (current maps can be easily adapted by adding control points to existing structures, like the house or barn in battlefarm). It would also encourage teamwork from both sides, and make it less likely for a human to run off and hide for 5 minutes, which isn’t a whole lot of fun for anyone.

really aught to fix spawnpoints though, add water dmg too

There was a kind of glitch with the intel. I had the green intel as a human, but when I got spaded it became blue and dropped where I spawned as a zombie and from what I could see none of the others could pick it up. Then next round I spawned witht he icon on my screen but didn’t actually have it. I went to pick up the green intel, took it to the tent but it wouldn’t cap! I know ctf wasn’t the game mode but I thought I’d mention what happened :stuck_out_tongue:

So, ei8htx mentioned this before the FSOM started, but he said that intels weren’t even supposed to be in the actual mode.

I thought I got rid of them, I chucked in a last bit of code about 2 minutes before FSOM start and it didn’t work quite the way I wanted. They should be gone now.