Teams updated!
Lettuce team pls
Well since there is no one joining green team I will be the first. It’s a little early for me but I’ll try to make it in time.
I want to join, put me in blue please
U put me in unspecified? D:
Put me on team
Sign me up in Blue Team
Teams updated!
(I assumed lettuce team meant green)
sign me up blue team please.
pls lub greens D:
I will be joining greens, just so you know.
yay :DD
I’m a maybe and also unspecified team
I’m a maybe, so put me on unspecified please. It all depends when I leave for home from vacation. Hope I make it!
blue please
2am… i’ll stay all day long night longlong again… but weekends so i’m on green!
Unable to attend due to a hurricane
shit is it over
EDIT: nvm its the 5th.