FSOM - Halloween - 2 Nov 2013

That would be great, then i’ll hear how retarded my voice sounds again.

Here is one of the videos.

Map: hallway


Also if anyone knows how to get a better quality,please let me know.

I’ll upload the others later.

edit: seems like YouTube is having problems playing the video.


who won? I couldn’t make it.

Me ;D 8)

Me :slight_smile:

Shywolf91/Dylan* sorry i forgot you!

Idr. We were all just sorta messing around. This match was a lot less structured and more just fun than previous ones.

Both humans and zombies won, and people switched back and forth over the course of the event.

Zombies won the first round on skullfort, but after that things just got wild after the issue with that one map.


Aren’t the humans supposed to be slower than zombies?


Would be nice if they were. Sprinting should be disabled for humans. Then maybe a slight nerf to Zombie health (very slight).

As it is right now, either you’re a zombie and can’t catch anyone while they run back and shoot you (the high health doesn’t help), or you’re a human in a tight area and all the zombies have insane amounts of health which replenishes with every kill.

If im in a tight area, then i would just rush right into the zombies always works

There is a forum topic on the balance of humans vs. zombies, and there have been a lot of good ideas, especially with the face-to-face chase.