For how much time am I banned?

I was just asking anyone to do a votekick against me for fun… IGN Code V2… But The Mole did it really and I just disconnected… When will I be able to join server again … And another question… For how much time will IGN Code be banned because he copied my name and I votekicked him…

Votekicks last for 30 minutes. This means that you should be unbanned approximately 30 minutes from when you got votekicked. Same goes to IGN Code (the person you kicked).

As for your kick, don’t ask for yourself to be votekick for whatever reason that may be. People WILL votekick you when you ask them to and an admin, a mod, or a guard might not be there to cancel your kick when you want them to.

Also, try not to abuse votekick too much.

its ip ban, not name ban