Falsely accused of hacking, perma banned?

Just saying, does ColorPinpoint have any proof that this guy was hacking? Otherwise I’m unsure of who is right and who is wrong. Maybe he got unbanned after talking to ColorPinpoint on IRC, but that dosen’t make a difference to what I’m asking: Does ColorPinpoint have proof this guy hacked? :o

Admins are not required to keep proof of cheating. Their judgement is supposed to be trusted. If an admin had to record and keep video evidence of every person he/she bans, I imagine they would only be able to catch 25% of the players they do, and would run out of hard drive space very quickly.

I don’t think they would have all the time in the world to record the hackers that they catch.
Besides, there are people called witnesses and victims, so they would be considered as proof.

Okay, that’s fine. I was just a bit confused, because couldn’t you just:
a) Compress the file to save disk space?
b) Upload a digital copy to YouTube?
c) Save it onto an external hard disk/USB?

I don’t know if Color has done this, but whenever I record something (even though I’m not an admin or moderator), I will compress, upload, and then back it up and remove it from my computer’s hard drive. :3

Some admins don’t remember to turn thier screen recorder on 24/7… nor should they. ColorPinpoint is a very trustable admin imo so he really doesn’t need to anyway…


I’ve been playing AoS without Aloha, and it’s hard. Please reconsider that ban. I beg of you.

The issue here is that I can’t find your ban. I’ve checked every server, even the inactive ones. I’ve asked around on the GBL. I’ve checked your IP range for a relevant ban.
Your IP is not logged anywhere.

To unban you, I would need to know exactly which server you were banned on, since your ban should theoretically be logged on one of those servers. I would then erase said ban.
However, if none of the servers have your IP, then there’s literally nothing I can do.

This is, of course, assuming that CLR decides to unban you (I’m not sure if he will). Right now, this technical issue is more worrying.

I was banned on Aloha.pk Islands

Okay, one of our admins found your ban manually. Now let’s get to Colorpinpoint, and see what he has to say.


Alright, Now that that issue is fixed, we can continue the appeal process. You say you don’t hack. I caught you aimbotting. We can debate about this all day, in the end we both know the truth. You fail to admit to your wrongfully doing after I caught you using hacks. If I were to have proof for every aimbot that I ban, I probably wouldn’t have banned about 75% of the people I banned. I find that recording hackers is fully a waste of my time, I’ve recorded a few hackers to get them GBL’D and that’s about it. I’m not going to waster MY time on recording hackers. Their not worth being recorded, but as I’ve said, I only record if it’s a known person. Pretty much so they can’t try lying their way out of it and will have to face all the people that they know. Liars are not worth my time.

I will not be unbanning you.

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I was already admitting it. I didn’t admit at first then I thought about it then admitted that I hacked.

I just read through this, never saw you admitting to hacking.

I’ve quoted everything you said in your entire ban appeals.

Maintaining that you were innocent.

Maintaining that you were innocent.

Maintaining that you were ignorant of hacks.

Maintaining that you were innocent.

And your latest post…

Just which post exactly did you admit to hacking.

I did admit it on the IRC when we were talking about it. It was a few weeks ago.
I’ll be honest and say I was stubborn when this happend. But I learned my lesson.

What channel did you admit it on and to who? I checked my logs on the time we talked on #aos.gbl and that’s the only channel that I think that I’ve talked to you on. Never talked to you on #aloha.

Yeah Gbl

EDIT: I might’ve not admitted it. But I’ve learned my lesson. I do admit that I was aimbotting that day, and I am sorry for the things I have done. I know you’ll probably ignore this comment but just please give me one more chance. Just one more.

You lie about hacking, You lie about admitting to hacking. What else will you lie about? Lying gets you no where, and to end this appeal, no unban.

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