[Event] December FSOM - Last Stand

GG! Event over. Unusual start, good ending. Please post recordings!

For December’s 2014 FSOM, we will be playing Last Stand!

Times Worldwide

[td]Mode: [/td]
[td]Last Stand[/td]
[td]December 6, 2014[/td]
[td]Time: [/td]
[td]7 PM GMT[/td]
[td][size=18pt]Last Stand[/td]

Try not to be late and reserve your seat here

↓ Last stand gamemode overview ↓

Last Stand Tutorial

Last Stand

It’s simple;

  • One team is assigned to be the attacker, the other team are the defenders

  • Attackers have unlimited respawns, defenders only have 1 life.

  • Attackers spawn in a holding pen and can choose where they spawn. Depending on the map, they can spawn North (/n), East (/e), South (/s) or West (/w). If they don’t select one within 10 seconds of respawning, the server picks one for them and automatically spawns them.

Be careful though. The top of the map does not always mean it is considered North. To check which way is North, look where the arrow is pointing in the holding pen. It will always be pointing towards the North, as seen in the image below.


  • Attackers must kill all defenders or capture the flag (stand near it) before the time runs out. The longer it takes, the higher the defender’s score is.

To find where the defending team’s flag is, look for the structure seen below.
Simply standing by the flag pole will allow the capturing process to start.


  • At the end of the round, the teams swap roles. Whichever team has the highest score wins 1 point.

  • First team to reach the specified amount of points (10) wins the game.

Mumble Info

Mumble can be downloaded here:

Download the client software on the right side of the screen. Installation is pretty simple, as there’s a wizard when you first start the application to help you set up your mic and audio.

I highly recommend using a button to activate it, rather than having your mic turn on automatically when it picks up noise. This is especially true for laptop users or those using a webcam w/ mic. You’ll have this option towards the end of the wizard (my push-to-talk is set to mouse button 5, your scroll button (click, not scroll) is also free in aos for you 3 button mouse owners).

If you choose to do push-to-talk, keep your threshold rather low (so that it’s easier to pick up sounds), this means your blue part of the meter should be small. If instead you are using auto-detect, be sure to keep your threshold toward the high end, or else the rest of us will pick up your game and background noise, which can get quite irritating, especially with 16 people.

Once you’ve setup your microphone, click the picture of the world icon. Then click “Add New” and enter the following:

Label: Aloha
Address: Mumble.aloha.pk
Port: 64738 (unchanged)
Username: Your username. Please stick to your most common username, as after you register, you’ll never get to change it.

For more detailed mumble setup information, check out this post here: http://aloha.pk/index.php?topic=3721.msg34375#msg34375

Once you’re connected, double click on Aloha to put you in that channel. On the event day there will be channels for Blue and Green team.

[details=Leaderboard]Of course during this event you can also record your game statistics by logging in to our new leaderboard with your forum name and password.
Read this for more information about our leaderboard.
Caution: only log in with this name and pass on aloha.pk servers. You can set a specific aos-password in your forum profile. [/details]

Please try to be on mumble and in the IRC 15 minutes prior to the event. You can find the IRC webchat link on the top right corner of aloha home page. Thanks!





[td]# [/td][td]Blue [/td][td]Green [/td][td]Unspecified/Maybe[/td]
[td]1[/td][td]Scipio [/td][td]FerrariFlunker [/td][td]SnIpEr [/td]
[td]2[/td][td]Asian Guy [/td][td]shywolf91 [/td][td]Henper [/td]
[td]3[/td][td]Eddy [/td][td]Anonymous [/td][td]Apocalyptic [/td]
[td]4[/td][td]3lb01k [/td][td]akselt [/td][td]Silnius [/td]
[td]5[/td][td]TheDigitalPilot [/td][td]Pun [/td][td]Techno [/td]
[td]6[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td]DirtyMeat [/td]
[td]7[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]8[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]9[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]10[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]11[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]12[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]13[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]14[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]15[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]16[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td][/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]

Total: 16/32

This sounds really fun man. Hook me up on Blue.

count me in for green team. Are the attacker/defenders defined by team color? btw this kinda sounds like infiltration.

Click for details

nice thread :slight_smile:

Sign me up for team with less people.

sign me up for blue master race.
what time is the fsom?

Time is being voted on

I might be able to make it, depends if there is archery practice during that time or not.

BMR pl0x


Dude epic! Glad you already put me on Blue 8) anyway I’ll probably be on so cya (no hax of course)


As always, maybe

:)Two Technos on one team. :stuck_out_tongue:

ya gotta love it btw i dont play on aloha with that ign though bcuz some guards will still ban it but i do use it on other servers

I want in Green please. I really hope the time is quickly decided so I can schedule when and how and such.

The time vote will end on December 2nd.

I want in Green please. I really hope the time is quickly decided so I can schedule when and how and such.
The time vote will end on December 2nd.
Thanks I voted.

Put me as “Unspecified/Maybe”
It will depends on the hour decided

Looks like the time will be 7 pm gmt/utc