Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) (Pathfinder Edition) (Campaign)

Dungeons and Dragons
Hey guys I just wanted to get a headcount of who would be interested in DnD
This would be about a 2.5-3 hours or so meeting a week preferably with 4-5 players minimum.
(This can be adjusted or broken down if those who are interested and can’t do a full session)
(This can be turned into 2-3 1 hour sessions or so through the week)
I can GM a game with 3 and be a player at the same time
I would like everyone who plays to be as regular as possible, but its understandable if you can’t attend a session.
I will also help people create their character and stats
(This is rpg so I would like it to be as close to real as possible)
You will not need to make a massive backstory, but those that go above and beyond will get hero points
(Allows for 1 re-roll of a bad roll, I will be giving these out VERY sparingly so my reomendation
would only be to use them in life and death situations)
I will be the Dungeon Master for the first part of the campaign
(If someone else wants to take a shot they can lead a session and see if people like that DM better than me)
(In that case I will step down and create or use that players character, with their permission)
Also just a note, All characters will be part of R.E.D, which is a guild from a diffrent campaign I play.(R.E.D is Reliable Exploration and Dungeon-erring)
Also a side note if something happens and you have to leave early, then just give me a heads up and I’ll set in and play your character or rp him/her out of the game
(I will only rp them out if its not something important otherwise if their character is needed I will step in)

What is DnD?:
DnD is a tabletop role playing game where you act as the character you create

Play Regularly, if theres not enough people I will not run the game (I just can’t)
Internet access because this will be all done through a website
No previous DnD Experiance required just an interest
(I can teach some rpg rules for you newbs)
I’m thinking of doing all of this rp via voice chat instead of text.
(That depends on if people are comfortable )
I only ask that everyone is respectful to each other within reason
(if your character hates another in rpg act like it in rpg just don’t take it to far please)
The first few sessions will be getting everyone sorted and settled
I would like to have everyone’s characters made and sorted out (in private with me) before the first session

If your intrested please post below and once we get 4-5 people we can start working out times. (i’m mostly very flexible on the weekends so the preference is to run sessins then, I am also based in EST, but that doesn’t mean euro players can’t play) I will post the basic campagin info when I have a bare minimun of 4 people.

If you are unsure of if you will like DnD I can set up a 1 time only game with a minimum of 3 players (I will adjust my stuff accordingly) so you guys can experiance it. Keep in mine this might require two sessions) (You will be using pregened characters)