Drama in aos! :d

Nothing much. Just weird seeing a veteran resurface.

it’s the summer time, i’m a bit bored. i can’t really visit girlfriend every day anymore, my friends are out of town, and my steam buddies are all obsessed with no man’s sky, so i figured that i’d make a stop down memory lane where i was an even bigger asshole :^)

it’s been pretty fun actually. i’m surprised that you’re still here for the same reason, i’m seeing new people EVERYWHERE.

Funny guy, feeling is mutual by the way.

You kids are jerking each other raw over here and it’s pretty unhealthy. And trust me we spread plenty of negativity there too.

I mean, I don’t think what impression I make with the people here is all that important. In fact I’ve kind of made it a point to not care.

Sorry, I don’t think English is your first language so this isn’t your fault but I have no idea what you’re trying to say here.

oi cobalt, where’s my custom M40A5 from Battlefield 3 with an ACOG and laser sight? huh?

just kidding, sup

holy shit dude, i thought you died a long time ago. how you been son?

man i dunno, i could make it cuz i’d like to leave something behind before i go back to college. maybe i’ll dabble in openspades modding a bit :^)

Been good, lurking for the past 2 or so years, I’m pretty much a ghost :smiley:

And nah, it’s okay, you did actually make the M40A5 but it was just the standard one with the 8x times scope, I still loved it though.

ho eae ppl of the night 8)

relax, friends

dak is my coconut candy

It could be worse. They could’ve messed up every impression towards this community like moi. :slight_smile:
For Komrades they’re being pretty chill right now.

p.s. Keep in mind that you’re saying that prejudices take priority over truth.

“Eddy” was taken, so I settled for the dollar signs

Anyway I was more or less calling Monsta autistic so I haven't broken our rules.

Good to know, I was worried you had broken the shitposting legacy you guys seem to uphold so well.

yea man komrades always shitpost



I have no idea what even is going on here, but it looks interesting.


If I knew the Komrades in question would act this way when they started playing again I would’ve said I would be glad if they didn’t.

Annoying not being able to edit after 15 mins :o

double post
ban him

What is it about our actions that you dislike?

“wow!!! i saved aloha.pk just by saying ‘i would be glad if these komrades didn’t start playing again!!!’”

i’m not sure why you rip on us every chance you get (literally every chance lmao) when i’m clearly being an asshole to someone else who deserves it, but uhh, whatever floats your boat i guess. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

oh, it’s not anything tbh. just people biting off more than they can chew. nothing really to see here.

Okay, thanks for informing me.

Just another gif proving how dak commands the human race around with her cuteness. Stay woke ppl of the night.

Also, congratulations to me for 100th post/reply. :slight_smile:
