should totally go out together <3
Dak + Ed, Dak + Atreyu, or… someone else?
Excuse me you dont get my gender. I am a transmogrified left wing nut free half skim half breast milk gluten free coconut cream pie that fires missiles like an attack helicopter except I’m not one so you better not trigger me or I will get the SJW on your Cisgender ass.
torch, how 'bout all of them
Even the someone else? O:
f0king triggered.
Honestly, this thread is making me triggered harder than Tumblr.
No one will like wolfy's posts, but they all give him pokeballs anyways. The mysteries of the world. q-q
I’m Legolas
I’m Violin
I’m Guardian
Your identities aren’t very dramatic though… that is unless you’re dd. His existence is the very embodiment of the dramatics.
ahahahaha no way.
what’s this thread about?
no lol just no
wtf is this even lol no way
maybe that