do you know [FOX]clan?

fox clan member every day votekick votekick vote vote vote… they are so noob and bad shot
they always say good gamer votekick reason say hack, wallhack he cant see me he shot me spade
our clan better that your clan , that nickname is so dirty… sososososososososo

and [FOX]NIceTea VS our cafe meber [MEAS]IRIS_XG
nicetea lose that and say he is hp hack hack hack
i say we have video want see cmon gogogog
and nicetea always say no^^ he use hp hack
nicetea shot only 1 body that shot so bad bad bad
and nicetea die 4~5
[FOX]clan member few dirty NicEtea and see 2 hacker
------------------------------------see this video---------------------------------NIceTea VS IRIS video ago why NIceTea always say hack??
Ace of Spades Korea [¿¡À̽º ¿Àºê ½ºÆäÀ̵å ÄÚ¸®¾Æ] : ³×À̹ö Ä«Æä

-------------im sorry every one i will delete this post tommorow ----see this video NIceTea -,-


Are you talking about my video of IceTea hacking? Go check it again, you’ll see I made some changes.

wat the hell

is this

i don’t even


our all cafe member know FOX clan is so dirty clan
i talking about nicetea shot so bad he no attacking our he say you are hack hack hack hackk… i kicked today aww i know he use hack ago

well currently you’re making YOUR clan look bad, by coming here and whining

Er… can you please speak properly? Try typing it in Korean and translate it in English… I can’t understand

Wow very funny JUICE,IRIS was hacking,I saw it,she did 1v1 with me and I hit her 5 times in the head and she didnt died,she did 1 hit with SMG,I ragequitted,and you ? FOX is much better than your fucking clan,she hacked and I saw it,when I had proof I will upload it,but what a pity I didnt recorded it;)
You can shut up,she hacked and we can do a clan match (Fucking) NSAT vs FOX,I will ask mbar;)
PS:Your clan sucks

Sorry about the bad words,but I’m raging up other this ****ing guy and ****ing post! ; >:(

And he is right,your clan looks bad at the beginning and I dont think that NSAT will become many members,I will shut up at this topic,and bad luck for your clan JUICE;)

This thread is retarded.
Plz stop

Guys, calm down. We don’t want a full-on clan war now, do we?

Wow very funny JUICE,IRIS was hacking,I saw it,she did 1v1 with me and I hit her 5 times in the head and she didnt died,she did 1 hit with SMG,I ragequitted,and you ?
It's called lag, Tea. Similar things have happened to me before.
And he is right,your clan looks bad at the beginning and I dont think that NSAT will become many members,I will shut up at this topic,and bad luck for your clan JUICE;)
You're making your clan look even worse, carrying on about nothing. It's just a little hate, everybody gets it. If you think someone is hacking, then go and record them 'hacking', or /admin someone to look at them, mmk?

Being in a clan (I personally find) is pretty stupid. You get overly attached to it, thinking it’s all you’re worth. Just go out and kick a footy around with some of your real friends, and chill the fuck out, ok? :wink:

[FOX] is full of hackers from what I’ve seen.

bearandcat: 34 bans contain "[fox]". First 5:


I know,but I’m not of them;)
I’m not a hacker,but I was banned too,but in this time I wasnt in [FOX]
And some FOX members are good , and dont hack,and every hacker at FOX was kicked from the leader

Lol guys I’m in FOX clan too, but me do not care and I think all too

Vlad,go away please;)
You are banned,and were ban evading,I think you were the worst FOX member that aloha banned…

Please, Ice, learn English.

Vlad,stfu,and maybe that were fake FOX members so we dont know that they are official members,you can send the list to me and I give it to mbar and he check official and unofficial members

Your English is far worse in your previous post, and saying ‘were’ was actually OK because it was past tense.
wow… this clan stuff seems really lame.

So ok im the Clanleader from FOX … my active known members are:
NIcetea, Vlad01, Fire, Chrisi, Winner, Ilikebanan, Dios3, Drakarth, noah(hacker), nico(hacker), Twixx, Didzo, Tech, essstaebchen, grinsmaster, dragontroll(bastard), alberto, twisted and many more that i dont know right now.