Destroying block with guns

This game is slowly fading out and it is getting harder and harder to have a full server. One main point why we lose players at one point in games is caused by the best of us.

Some players like nuts, microwave, Dildo have this capacity to empty a server because they are so good that ennemies lose motivation in trying to kill them. For those being admins and trying to keep players in, I would suggest to slow down that spawnkilling, but I understand that it’s not all the good players who are smart enough to understand that they are ruining the game and making players leave.

SUGGESTION: In order to help preventing these excellent players from hiding behind blocks, I would like to retreive the ability to destroy any block from anywhere when shooting. (However, i would still not allow destuction inside team zone as it is now). This way, a too good sniper hiding behind blocks can see those blocks being destroyed and the guy being shot a little faster.

I know most admis are excellent players that will probably be offended by this request, but those too good players are making this game lose in popularity with their spawnkilling habilities.

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i doubt that this will slow those players down significantly. part of being that good is dispatching enemies quickly and they likely will simply kill u before u blow their entire cover away.

I think generally its important to look at a skill-balance between the teams. Often there are good and those very good players in one team, and newcomers, inexperienced players in the other one. I try my personally to balance in those cases but sometimes it isn’t easy, when you already build nearly the entire tower for example…
Nobody should be forced in changing teams tho, but it would be nice if you all watch out a bit on skill-balanced teams. :grinning:

bro how can you not say that aos is not dying? there’s always a peak of like 30 40 players but then, nothing else changes… This game has been at this level for years now.

I’d argue that getting spawncamped is annoying to the point of making someone even moderately competent want to leave a server.

A possible option would be to provide people with some amount of spawn protection - say, 20 seconds, possibly breaking it early if the player travels a certain distance or leaves a specific region (e.g. in Hallway the protection would end the moment the player steps two blocks into the hallway or north or south of that). Surely there’s a script for this somewhere…

On the other hand, it could potentially interfere with some of the game modes, so you’d want to have the spawn areas separate from where the enemy is likely to need to be to further the objective - this would be awkward for something like Pinpoint or Hallway.

In order to help preventing these excellent players from hiding behind blocks, I would like to retreive the ability to destroy any block from anywhere when shooting… This way, a too good sniper hiding behind blocks can see those blocks being destroyed and the guy being shot a little faster.

Not sure exactly what you’re trying to say - would you be able to elaborate? I’m not sure if this is specific to the restrictions that show up in Babel, or if you’re suggesting that blocks could be taken down in a single hit, which is well within the realm of “things that are not legitimately possible in 0.75”.

bro how can you not say that aos is not dying? there’s always a peak of like 30 40 players but then, nothing else changes… This game has been at this level for years now.

My 2 cents as someone who started on the last day of 0.52 which was probably about the 29th of June, 2011, and noting that in 2012 the active player count seemed to hover around the 300-player mark… Back in 2018-2019-ish the peak was around about 100, and there were more than 3 servers with players in them, and it was already very much in decline. With 1.x no longer existing, there’s nothing to carry the user counts, really. So yes, it’s dying, it has been dying for many years, and it’s never stopped dying. I can go into detail as to what I think the problem is, but I’ll focus on the topic at hand unless you want to expand this into “how could we fight the attrition of the playerbase in general”.

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in my supersmash gamemode i implemented a feature where u can foresee where u spawn 3 seconds before u spawn. might be helpful for players that get spawncamped, cause when u know where u spawn and where which enemy happens to be nearby u can react faster and kill them, and i think that would be less disruptive than straight up 20 seconds of invincibility.

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