Danko's guide to being annoying(ly hard to hit)

I just realized, that crouchspamming isn’t fast enough.

Nice guide, 10/10. Nice too see the art of concealment at work.

^What he said^

lol, all my controls are modified. I also use spacebar for crouching though. Q for sprint and E for jump.

U guys r wierd

That actually sounds like a nice control scheme, I’m gonna test that out when I get the time.

Guess we’re all rebinding cus it’s cool then.

i see Danko doing the slit thing all the time. such a bitch to kill…

This made my day.

Love the art!

If you want to avoid the 1x block blind spot then build two of the slits next to each other and switch between them

This is a good way to make enemies angry. The slit thing is cool, never knew about it

Buzz’s slit shooting shelter on PP–with over water optimized angle! :slight_smile:


BUZZ, did you build that when PP was empty? ???

lol no, green team was just being held back, I had lots of room

1 nade, just one nade and then Boom!!

lol so true color. One nade at the correct location and BOOM!

well usually when you throw a nade they go boom.

Very interesting . Keep up the good work

These damn Necro’s these days
I just recently saw something

Not Naming

This dumb[shadow=red,left]ass[/shadow] guy posted on a guy that quit doing something
And it was sooooooooooo old
Sooooooo old
The guy posted


whats wrong with it? this thread is stickied. its not like a necro post will change anything.