color rank help me.

Hello. I have an important question. Namely, if you have written a script That adds or rank. The point is, eg. Prior to nick wyświetlało August admin red but only when someone logs in. He wants to be a rank as admin, headadmin police moderrator and teeth admin and headadmin was red and the moderator and the police in purple. Download the script link pls

We do have a system already, that color codes our names on the forum. As for in game, we already have a fine enough system and we try to operate behind the scenes. Having a tag, like some Minecraft gamemodes, would completely remove our anonimity when we are trying to catch hackers. I don’t want a message broadcasting “Monstarules has LOGGED IN as a Guard” every time I try to log in to ban a hacker.

I think what he is attempting to say is that he wants someone to make him a script which has a prefix to someone’s name, similar to a Minecraft server where if someone with the rank “Head Admin” or something talked, it would say “[Head Admin]Nickname”, not just when they log in. He wants them to have a colour, too - § for Minecraft, for example.

I don’t think it is possible because you would then need some weird team colours and more teams for each rank, which is impossible (I think).

If there is a scripter who can prove me wrong, go to it! xD

Wouldn’t be implemented because we need to operate in the shadows.

I think its for his own needs. But yeah, true. On German Spades, it announces whenever I login as a moderator and it irks me.

Maybe he meant that he wants the script for HIS server, not aloha’s in particular?

Link download scripts plis

Nice meme!

Like we said above, it is most likely not possible.

Yeah, so R.I.P.

Link download scripts fuck off

Now that is quite rude, mate.
If you want them - then do it by yourself.

Why would you swear at us when we are trying to help you? That isn’t very nice. Nobody wants to help someone with that kind of attitude. Make the scripts yourself or ask somewhere else.

Fuck you

Swearing doesn’t impress us. We don’t have a script like that as it does not exist, and it would be too complicated to make for a beta of a dying game. Sorry.


Oh, how very polite.

Mine will be with two sugar and a squirt of milk please.

Look, my dude, even though I dislike Polish people, we are trying to help you, alright?
You have to appreciate that we actually responded.

bartoz, przepraszam, co czyni ten scenariusz jest niemożliwy


ale nie dajecie mi linka do pobrania scriptu no kurwa mac co to ma być ?