Clash of Clans

Anyone here play? I’m right now a TH5 at Silver 2. Just wanted to know if anyone else here played and if you have any advice on to make a good base.

Whenever someone mentions Clash of Clans I be like

So I’m taking it you don’t play? Or do you?

I quit Clash of Clans like 4 months ago. I was TH8 and Masters 2, I just felt bored after that point. But who knows, I might get back into it.

What was the game like back then? I only recently started playing. I heard back in the “old days” of clash the game was very poorly polished before it went mainstream.

In the past, I played this game, but I got bored and quit. I recently started playing again and reached level 9 in 3 days. I hope this was a rapid development :slight_smile:

Level 9 or TH 9? Sorry I’m curious.


I play clash of clans, I’ve actually got 2 accounts, one is th8 and other is th6, neither one are th rushed.

I played but I quit.I was a noob I didn’t know how to build the clan castle so I got bored and quit. Hello boom beach.

3 accounts

DoodleDude: Max th8 except for walls and teslas level 83
Techno: Level 54 Th7, quickly developing.
MiniDude: Level 30? Th5 max everything except for walls, comines.

I can join someones clan with Mini if anyone wants to.