Bug: Tower of Babel Griefers?

Sometimes I’m just casually building a tower in ToB and then some random player will start destroying it. I can’t kill them to stop them, and the only time anything ever gets done is if there’s an admin on the server and the player gets disabled from building.

The players are probably not trusted, since they usually have really stupid names like “poo” and “derp” or something like that. I’m not sure why this happens because I thought all players that aren’t trusted couldn’t destroy blocks. Occasionally, I will be able to destroy blocks (and I don’t lag while I do it, so it’s not a connection issue).

This is a recent popular dick move i’m seeing when i build my babel towers. I have a general idea on why this happens.

Teammates cant grief your blocks BUT they can grief naturally placed blocks so what they do is just dig the natural blocks under your tower which is essentially supporting your bridge and making is fall down. Really unfair strategy but you can avoid this by starting your bridge from the indestructible layer 0 block.

Just start your tower from a custom block instead of the normal one.

Are you sure? All blocks in the tower level should not allow building iirc

Either some trusted person was trolling the whole team or this theory is real


Sometimes the building zones are weird. Just start building right before the babel platform and build back from there and usually you won’t have any issues. If you’re not sure if the person is trusted or not you can do a quick /votekick on them and then cancel if the votekick starts. If the votekick starts successfully then you know they aren’t trusted or aren’t logged in. (Trusted players can’t destroy blocks if they aren’t logged in) If the votekick comes back saying “This player can’t be kicked because they are trusted” or something along those lines then you know that obviously they are trusted.

The theory is not real unless it is a glitch on a certain map or something. I’ve never been able to destroy any sort of blocks in the building zone, natural or not. It could’ve been a trusted person trolling or your tower could’ve been too far back or out of the building region. Next time record if you can. And not just a short clip either. If you take a 2 second clip of a trusted person destroying a block it can seem like they are griefing when in reality they might’ve placed the wrong color and are trying to change it to a different one. I’ve accidentally destroyed the very tip of the tower before because I was trying to fix some griefing and didn’t realize it was the last bit the tower was held up by since it was just a mangled mess of placed blocks. I apologized to my team and rebuilt it though.

teamkilling added back when?

If you see this happen again with a specific player, please take a screenshot, a short video clip, or just record the name. If we have the name, we can check if it was a trusted player. Even if their ign is “poo” or “derp”, we’ll still be able to check it.

Usually, the area just around the tent is not protected. (to reduce the effect of tent griefing)
If you start your tower just in front of the tent, then this bit of the tower can be griefed by non-thrusted players.
If you start just underneath the edge of the platform, then all blocks, including “natural” ones are protected. Work your tower backwards for strength, if it extends into unprotected, then be prepared to have to repair here every now and then.

Good luck, and see you in Babel!

[edited for bad spelling]

As said by others, I’m sure this isn’t the case. There are set regions on the map where you cannot destroy any of the blocks whether natural or not (without trusted). The absolute border of this region is sort of so-so, if you dig from the outside in towards the tower region you can consistently destroy blocks (from memory) 3 blocks into the region.

Make sure you aren’t building close to the tent, not only because the blocks around the tent can be destroyed, but also because starting a tower that far back makes no sense. You find yourself making a weak, thin tower which gets to babel height way to early, forcing you to make a long straight pathway to babel from which you are easily sniped.

I know this is a semi-necro, but if you see this get a couple of screen caps (enough to prove without doubt) or a video (pref) and post it in the abuse reports. They will be in for a lengthy ban for griefing.