Base Showcase #1 - Froe

Hey everyone, we finally started base showcases. We did my base first to as an example - there is a video and a imgur album with it. Future showcases can have either video, album, or both like this one does.

In the video Pun made he had interviewed me a little bit, in future showcases we can do that too if you want but it’s not necessary :slight_smile:

Here’s the album: Froe's Base - Album on Imgur

Here’s the video:

Hope everyone enjoys, thanks Pun for all the work he put into it!!


Thanks, It was well worth it. I enjoyed the opportunity to interview you and check out all the things you have been working on at your base. Hope this catches on and people want to share their progress as well.

Guess I lowered my mic volume a little bit too much. whoops

I’m not worthy.

You can see the beauty of the canal on dyna. It has reached under froe’s base. We’re treading carefully, but you might have some more stone brick floors Froe.

nice base! the sheep room is my favorite part

entertaining video, do more like that please… i’ll watch :smiley:


Man. I have no motivation to build anything for a while. Gotta find some time to get some ideas.