Hello :’( I’m a noob in ace of spades which I started this game yesterday. that’s why I registered here
I get 3 deaths per kill and I don’t know why I am banned/suspended from the aloha servers.
I don’t know exactly what happened. I went to aloha servers and I just afked there for less than 5 minutes as my other laptop turn off because it was out of its battery. I just had to replace with the other one and I just came back to the other one to play AOS and my game has been shut off, so I restarted the game and it says “Couldn’t join server:Banned”
I think there was a guy who kicked me for afking? or does this game bans for people afking? since I’m new… could you tell me why? :’( :’( :’( :’( :’(
I think he vote kicked me so do I get off the ban now or does it takes time or FOREVER?
Oh and I have been agreeing to kick a guy who was hacking with aimbot and I think one of his friends kicked me for that? that might happen… Just random thinks…
Oh I think I was just banned for an hour :DDDDDDD I can go in the server now! and I tried to remove this but I think I can’t anyway CASE CLOSED <3
It was probably a vk, If you feel you have been unjustly vote kicked just hop on the aloha irc (go to quakenet then on their main page go to webchat. After that tyoe in a name and the channel is #aloha and ask for it the be undone. It only lasts about 30 minutes. Also is hawkenblack your game name? The irc is also the fastest way to get a response from us.