Babel Votekick Abuse

Fox wasn’t fast enough with the cages, we got one troll, slayer, but we didn’t get clorox yet, he’s still at it!
Shy, help us out and go get a cage before the troll gets away again!

I wasn’t going to say anything about this cage nonsense but now that it’s been said a few times I have to. That is extremely offensive to someone of my racial heritage.

You will probably continue to call me a troll, it’s whatever, but that is really messed up and I would appreciate it if you stopped.

Everyone, please muster enough self-control and ignore anyone that you suspect is trolling you. They don’t deserve your attention, not even your witty remarks.

nice troll

EDIT: o shit i failed!! :-[ :-[ :-[

now now guys calm down!we all must calm down no ass-kissing,no “im cunt slayer,im so fucking pro,i cant be banned because you assholes are idiots” and shit just FUCKING calm down,ok?cool off your ass drink some cold water and calm that hot head of yours.this is literally an urgent argument,and after i say this you guys are gonna say "NO FUCK OFF STRIKER"just calm down man

this thread just strait up turned into cancer wow.

It is amazing two!