Babel map suggestions

Both variations look great, but the red version seems like it’s going to give advantage to the red, to be honest.

what happened to the logo? that was my favorite part 8)

i really like the water in the first version.

for the land, how about a color scheme similar to Ha Long Bay?

Ok, I will try to restore the water to its former glory. :smiley:
I like your idea with the color scheme. I’m not sure if I can come up with some decent looking results for this with the current texturing methods I’m using, but I’ll try my best

got the sides done today! Some of the textures aren’t too pretty but this was the best I could come up with in GIMP. I was thinking about replacing all the textures with the texture of the large mountains on both sides since I find that one to be the best, not sure if that would look better for the map as a whole though.


wow, beautiful work

thanks, unfortunately the end product doesn’t quite look as good as the side view suggests. I’ve tried four ways to texture the rocky surface of the two paths and I’m still not really content with it, but well… it looks somewhat ok I guess:

Click for details

I’ve also added some minor improvements on the desert version:

Click for details

Also, I created this map called crossfire 3. Not sure if it would be fun on babel but I think it’s an interesting idea to have destructible side paths like this which could change the gameplay dynamics of the map drastically once griefed.

Click for details


i absolutely love the rocky textured version… looks awesome! CAN’T WAIT to try it.

crossfire 3 does look interesting. excited to try it too.

can we get download links?

Crossfire 3 looks awesome

oops sorry, here is the download link Dropbox - Error

thanks, both have been added to Babel’s rotation. i’m totally in love with halongbabel. very good work!

cool, also thanks for putting them on the front page. :smiley:

A few questions for everyone who played halongbabel so far:

  • Did you ever get stuck in the vines while spawning? ( I suspect you would be able to simply walk out of them due to them
    only being one block thick)
  • Was there any noteworthy spawnkilling going on? (e.g. players hiding in spawn / players spamming nades from the heaven
    into the spawn…)
  • Did you feel that there was any imbalance between both teams caused by the asymmetry of the map?
  • Should the 1hp water damage be replaced with boundary damage like in crossfire3?

The next map is probably going to be something rather simple in between ponce’s pinpoint map suggestion and ei8htx’s ellipsis.

i got stuck in the vines on spawn but was able to free myself by breaking them with the spade

Awesome maps, Lostmotel.

nice map dude

Once I joined the babel server and there was a map with only rectangular platforms, not very large but high. You would have to build bridges to get anywhere.
Is it still in rotation? Looked interesting.

Could’ve been:

Bridgeitis (bridgeitis)

Click for details

BridgeWars (bridgewars)

Click for details

Nine-Eye (nine_eye)

Click for details

All are on the server, but none are in rotation. An admin could /map to it in game.

I think it was Bridgeitis. Sick!

small update (to make you believe I’ve actually worked on something):
-removed parts of the vines at spawn on halongbabel
-removed trees in the spawn area on tortuga
-added txt files with optional heaven colors to every one of my maps in the current rotation

Hi LostMotel,

I really love the new maps… Just wish they would pop up in the rotation more often.

If you are looking for a new babel map theme, what about a “lost inca city” theme?

Use a fairly level terrain, with open ground under and around the footprint of the heaven. Surround it with jungle.
Add one big pyramid at each end (to optionally build out from) , and some smaller structures along the sides, which are half buried in the jungle.

Add water-filled sinkholes that are interconnected with caves, creating hidden pathways for griefers. Maybe one bigger sinkhole at map center (but not as big as in “holes”.!/image/1966476333.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_640/1966476333.jpg

If you want a background story, add a jeep and a camp-site at each end, and you get your “competing explorers” story-line.

Yeah… I know that I should do it myself, but I just have too much else to do before I can add another project.
…Oh… and I have other map ideas as well :slight_smile:



I forgot to add the download link again. In the future I’ll always be posting updates under that link, so I’ll simply add it to the first post in this thread. Dropbox - Error

sounds great! I especially like the idea with the sinkholes. This is really going to push my new mapping technique to its limits :stuck_out_tongue:
The buildings will be even harder since I am rather inexperienced in creating such structures, although I think I can take some inspiration from Serious_Sim’s lostvalley map. [details=Click for details]

I will start with the tree models right away, but don’t expect this one to be finished anytime soon (I’d still like to finish the pinpoint like map first).
EDIT: As a little foretaste, this is how the trees might look like [details=Click for details]


on another note, I have serious concerns about the team balancing on the yubacore map. It seems to me that blue is mostly using the power supply lines as a starting point for rather weak towers while the green team which has the power supplies further away usually tends to build stronger towers from the ground and therefore wins on this map most of the times. Has anyone else noticed this? Should a part of the supply lines be cut down in order to prevent blue from building bad “towers”?

